Application Fellowship 2025/2026

Largely anonymised procedure

To ensure the fairness and objectivity of the application process, the procedure is anonymised as far as possible. Applicants' personal data will be hidden or encrypted by a neutral body for the first round of assessment in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation.

Please ensure that no personal information with sensitive data such as your name, age, gender, marital status, religion or origin or your contact details are included in the letter of motivation, abstract and synopsis of the project. Please avoid any information that could allow conclusions to be drawn about the personal information mentioned, e.g. military or civilian service, au pair or parental leave. Please do not add a photo and do not provide any information on language skills.

Application Fellowship 2025/2026
Please ensure that your letter of motivation, abstract and synopsis do not contain any personal information with sensitive data such as your name, age, gender, marital status, religion or origin or your contact details. Please avoid any information that could allow conclusions to be drawn about the personal information mentioned, e.g. military or civilian service, au pair or parental leave. Please do not add a photo or provide any information about language skills.
Please also note that the file name may change when the file is uploaded for technical reasons. However, this has no influence on the content of the file or the application process.
* Mandatory fields

Application deadline

Applications for the academic year 2025/ 26 will be accepted until 31 August 2024. Information on the awarding of fellowships will be provided in March/April/May 2025. 

Joint application by two or more persons

A joint application by several researchers who would like to realise interdisciplinary projects in Greifswald is possible. Applicant groups are requested that each member completes the application form separately, refers to the group application in the relevant field and uploads the same documents. The research project should be described in such a way that the contribution of each member of the group is clearly recognisable.

Data protection
By submitting your application, you consent to the processing of the personal data contained therein for a specific purpose. This data will not be passed on to third parties. You can find more information on this in our privacy policy.

Further information:
Dr Christian Suhm
Scientific Management


Celia Baron M.Sc
Fellow Supervision