Privatdozentin Dr. Martina Stemberger
Alfried Krupp Junior Fellow
(Oktober 2019 - September 2020)
- Born 1976 in Lienz, Austria
- Study of Romance and Slavic Languages/Literatures in Vienna and Paris
- Habilitation in Romance and Comparative Literature (2017)
- Lecturer at the University of Vienna, Department of Romance Studies
Fellow project: „From Canon to Fanfiction: Perspectives on the Reception of Classic Texts in Contemporary Popular Culture“
New forms of digital publication also open up new perspectives for the creative reception of classical-canonical literature in a popular cultural context, as illustrated by an expedition into the colorful world of fanfiction, displaying, at the beginning of the 21st century, a quasi-explosive dynamics. As a product of a programmatically eclectic, by definition intertextual, highly collectively-collaboratively oriented literary practice, fanfiction not only raises manifold general questions about authorship, the concepts of work and text, but also invites reflection on established cultural hierarchies. In this comparative literature research project, the genre is examined with a focus on its paradoxical relation to the classical canon: In dealing with a very heterogeneous literary subculture, in which not only Harry Potter & Co., but also Homer and Shakespeare, Goethe and Tolstoy, even the Bible are playfully rewritten, it aims at developing adequate literary- and cultural-theoretical tools for analyzing the fanfictional production and/as reception aesthetics.