Privatdozent Dr. Kyung-Ho Cha
Alfried Krupp Junior Fellow
(October 2020 - September 2021)
- Studied modern German studies, medieval studies, and philosophy at the University of Bonn, University of Oxford, Columbia University New York, Free University of Berlin and Technical University of Berlin
- PhD (Modern German Studies / General Literary Studies) at the TU Berlin; Habilitation (modern German studies) at the University of Bayreuth
- Temporary academic senior counselor at the chair for modern German literary studies at the University of Bayreuth
Fellow project: "Narrating citizenship. Stories of citizenship in literature, theatre, film and music since German reunification“
The project examines the treatment of German citizenship in German literature, theatre, film, and music from 1990 until today. Who is a German citizen? What historical, social and cultural norms constitute German citizenship? Who belongs in Germany? These questions have been intensively discussed in the period from German reunification until today. Artists — especially, but not exclusively persons with ‘immigrant backgrounds’ and People of Color — are both reacting to and uniquely contributing to the public debate. In their works, they criticize the lack of acceptance of diversity in parts of German society, describe their own experience of social exclusion, and invent an ideal German citizenship with which they can identify.