Dr. Anne Hemkendreis
Alfried Krupp Junior Fellow
(October 2020 - March 2021)
- Born in 1984
- Studied Art History and German at Ruhr- University in Bochum and Trinity College in Dublin
- Research assistant in the SFB 948 at the University of Freiburg
Fellow project: "Below Zero: The Visualization and Reception of Snow from the Romantic Era to today’s Eco Art“
Since the romantic times, the visualization and reception of snowy landscapes in art has undergone a fundamental change, increased by today’s climate debate. In Eco Art, the myth of Thule as the ultimate symbol of an untouched nature overlaps mankind’s significance as the most dominant geological force on our planet. This leads to a paradoxical visual simultaneousness on the level of perception on the tipping point of an awareness of irretrievable loss and a genuine and non-dualistic experience. The art historian research project explores the iconographical/iconological remains of romantic models of communication - inherent in the depiction and reception of snowy landscapes - within strategies of affection and immersion in contemporary art since the 1980s. Understood as motivical formulas, and taking their migrations and inversions into account, snowy landscapes reveal the anthropological depth of a longing for an immediate connection with nature, which becomes intelligible and explorable in its historicity.