212 Results:
Fellow project: "Allgemeine Rechtsgrundsätze im aktuellen Strafrechtsdenken"
Fellow project: "Linguistic and communicative practices for the constitution of a scientific discipline using the example of German linguistics"
Fellow project: "Postkoloniale Ironie. Positionen gegenwärtiger Kunst/Theorie"
Fellow-Projekt: „Manipulations. Hands at Work in European Modernism“
Fellow project: "Between Zaporozhian Sič and Doppeladler: identity concepts of the Russian and Ukrainian Cossack movement between Slavdom, nation and empire"
Fellow project: "New Dimensions of Global History"
Fellow project: „Contexts of roman grave monuments and their reception in the museum landscape of the 20th century“
Fellow project: "Ver-rückte Dinge. Objekte zwischen Eigen- und Unsinn in Märchentexten um 1800"
Fellow project: "Formation of the food potential of Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development of agriculture in the conditions of war"