212 Results:
Fellow-Projekt: „Between the Old Empire and the Atlantic Plantation Economy: The Trading Empire of Friedrich Romberg (1729-1819)“
Fellow project: "Verbraucherkultur und die Entwicklung der modernen jüdischen Identität"
Fellow project: "The Hidden, the Spoken, and the Historical: Individual Reparation Claims and the Jewish Experience after the Holocaust“
Fellow project: "Organismus, Geschichte, Bewusstsein: Die systematischen Dimensionen des Lebensbegriffs in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls"
Fellow projekt: „Ethics of individuality in early romanticism“
Fellow project: Unusual Imaging Systems for Special Applications“
Fellow project: ‘Modern’ Times in Germany. Processes of Temporal Transformation between Appropriation and Defence since the End of the 19th Century
Fellow project: „Gelassenheit. Studien zur Anthropologie des Koheletbuches“
Fellow project: "Collectivity in Bioethics: The participatory and socio-political turn"