212 Results:
Fellow project: "Narrating citizenship. Stories of citizenship in literature, theatre, film and music since German reunification“
Fellow project: "Commercialization and Resilience Management. A Collective Business History of the ‘Long’ Sixteenth Century“
Fellow project: "Politische Scheidung. Eine philosophische Theorie der Sezession"
Fellow project: „Chains of Value, Chains of Power: Russian Energy, Value Chains and the Remaking of Social Relations from Vladivostok to Brussels“
Fellow project: "Sprachkritik als Orte oppositioneller Diskurse in der „inneren Emigration“ der NS-Zeit. Problematik, Theorie, Close readings"
Fellow project: "Migration als Motiv frühneuzeitlicher Gelehrsamkeit in Nordosteuropa Grundzüge einer Ideengeschichte menschlicher Mobilität"
Fellow project: „Localized spin waves in periodic nanostructures“
Fellow project: "Writing and image in mobile communication"
Fellow project: „Oligarchy and the Public Good in Classical Athens“