Application Information

The Alfried Krupp Fellows are expected to pursue a major research project during their stay and, if possible, complete it. Fellows are also expected to live at the Kolleg and establish their centre of life here. The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg welcomes it if Fellows offer courses for students at the University of Greifswald during their stay at the Kolleg. It is expected that the application will demonstrate how the planned project will strengthen the University of Greifswald's research priorities and make a significant contribution to the promotion of science and research in Greifswald as an academic centre.
Application documents
Alfried Krupp Senior Fellowships and Alfried Krupp Junior Fellowships are publicly advertised. Applications should be addressed to the Academic Director of the Kolleg, Professor Dr. Thomas Klinger, and can only be submitted electronically via the application form, which is only available during the call for applications. Applications should relate to one of the semesters or academic years specified in the call for applications. If, alternatively, several periods within the advertised academic year are possible for the research stay in Greifswald, these should be specified.
Joint application by several people
A joint application by several researchers who would like to realize interdisciplinary projects in Greifswald is possible. Applicant groups are requested that each member completes the application form separately, refers to the group application in the relevant field and uploads the same documents. The research project should be described in such a way that the contribution of each member of the group is clearly recognizable.
Largely anonymized application procedure
To ensure the fairness and objectivity of the application process, the procedure is anonymized as far as possible. Applicants' personal data is hidden or encrypted by a neutral body for the first round of assessments in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation. In the second review round, the Scientific Director reviews the applications received and submits an appointment proposal to the Scientific Advisory Board. Alfried Krupp Fellows are appointed on the basis of this recommendation.
The fellowships are endowed according to the high expectations of the applicants' scientific achievements. All fellows are also provided with an apartment and a workroom at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg free of charge. Additional insurance benefits as well as travel and laboratory costs are not covered by the Kolleg.
Applicants for a Senior Fellowship are asked to consider combining a research semester at their home university with a six-month fellowship for a one-year research stay at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg. If possible, applications for the appointment of Alfried Krupp Senior Fellows should also include information on a possible contribution by the home institution to the costs of the research stay at the Kolleg.
The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg assumes that Alfried Krupp Junior Fellows will be on leave from their home institution for the duration of their research stay. If a researcher's home institution is willing to contribute to the funding of the research stay at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg, this is welcomed. In this case, information on the type and amount of a possible contribution is requested.
Families at the Kolleg
The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg supports applicants who wish to take up their fellowship accompanied by persons with whom they live in a civil partnership and/or children. Within the scope of its possibilities, the Kolleg offers suitable accommodation. The College's fully furnished apartments are free of rent and operating costs for Fellows and their children up to the age of 14. Fellows receive individual support in their search for suitable kindergartens, schools and other childcare options. The Kolleg works together with the University of Greifswald's family service and provides information about leisure activities, events and playgrounds for children. Most of the events organized by the Kolleg are also open to those accompanying Fellows. The Kolleg is happy to put accompanying persons in contact with members of the University of Greifswald and non-university research institutions.