Purpose of the Foundation

Excerpt from the Foundation’s statutes
The Foundation’s purpose is to contribute to the promotion of science and research at the University of Greifswald in particular by maintaining and operating the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald.
The foundation’s purpose is realized as the Foundation
- supports the University of Greifswald’s research focuses,
- brings together scientists from various disciplines to work on common topics,
- promotes interdisciplinary research projects,
- maintains international scientific relationships with a focus on the Baltic Sea Region and
- supports early career researchers.
To assist in fulfilling this purpose, space for visiting scientists to live and work are provided.
To this end, the Foundation operates a Kolleg building with additional facilities in the Greifswald town centre. The Kolleg works with other scientific institutions in Germany and abroad and makes a public impact with suitable events.
The Foundation pursues charitable purposes solely and directly as described in the section “Tax-Privileged Purposes” of the Tax Regulations (Abgabenordnung).
Its primary purpose is not profit for itself.
The Foundation’s funds may only be used for purposes set down in the statutes.
-> Foundation History