
Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald
Der Vorstand

Martin-Luther-Straße 14
17489 Greifswald 

Phone: +49 3834 420 5001
Email: infowiko-greifswaldde

Accountable under the terms of the Law: Katja Kottwitz M.A., Scientific Assistant.

Disclaimer: Despite careful checking of content, we accept no responsibility for the content of external links. The content of linked pages is the exclusive responsibility of their operators. The layout of this website and the graphics used are protected by copyright.

Photos: agentur van ryck (Vincent Leifer), Greifswald; Dipl.-Theol. Nadine Bauerfeind, Greifswald; Dr. Sybille Gruska, Greifswald; Hans-Werner Hausmann, Greifswald; Katja Kottwitz M.A., Stralsund; Brigitte Kraemer, Herne

The Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald is a member of the Association of German Foundations.

© 2023 Stiftung Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald