Former Directors
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Professor Dr. Ulla Bonas
Academic Director from 2018 to 2023
Professor Dr. Ulla Bonas studied biology at the University of Cologne from 1974 to 1980 and received her doctorate in 1984 with a dissertation on in vitro cloning of a transposable element in the chalcone synthase gene of Antirrhinum majus.
After completing her doctorate, she received postdoctoral fellowships and conducted research at the University of California, Berkeley from 1985 to 1987. From 1988 to 1993 she led an independent working group at the Institute for Genetic Biological Research GmbH in Berlin and completed her habilitation in genetics in 1992 on the molecular genetic analysis of the interaction between Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria and the plant at the Free University of Berlin. From 1993 to 1998 she was head of an independent working group at the CNRS Institute of Sciences Végétales in Gif-sur-Yvette near Paris, France, initially supported by a Heisenberg grant from the DFG, and from 1994 as CNRS Director of Research. In 1995 she was offered the C4 professorship for plant genetics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, where she has been teaching and researching since 1998. Her research interests include sRNAs from the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas, type III effector proteins and plant target proteins, as well as plant resistance genes.
Ulla Bonas is a member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO; since 2000) and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (since 2008). She has been Vice President of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina since 2015. In 2011 she received the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the most prestigious research prize in Germany.
- Erickson JL, Adlung N, Lampe C, Bonas U and Schattat MH (2018) The Xanthomonas effector XopL uncovers the role of microtubules in stromule extension and dynamics in Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant J: in press
- Blüher D, Laha D, Thieme S, Hofer A, Eschen-Lippold L, Masch A, Balcke G, Pavlovic I, Nagel O, Schonsky A, Hinkelmann R, Wörner J, Parvin N, Greiner R, Weber S, Tissier A, Schutkowski M, Lee J, Jessen H, Schaaf G and Bonas U (2017) A 1-phytase type III effector interferes with plant homone signaling. Nature Comm8: 2159, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02195-8
- Abendroth U, Adlung N, Otto A, Grüneisen B, Becher D and Bonas U (2017) Identification of new protein-coding genes with a potential role in the virulence of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas euvesicatoria. BMC Genomics18: 625, doi 10.1186/s12864-017-4041-7
- Adlung N and Bonas U (2017) Dissecting virulence function from recognition – cell death suppression in Nicotiana benthamiana by XopQ/HopQ1-family effectors relies on EDS1-dependent immunity. Plant J doi: 10.1111/tpj.13578
- Adlung N, Prochaska H, Thieme S, Banik A, Blüher D, John P, Nagel O, Schulze S, Gantner J, Delker C, Stuttmann J und Bonas U (2016) Non-host resistance induced by the Xanthomonas effector XopQ is widespread within the genus Nicotiana and functionally depends on EDS1. Front Plant Sci7: 1796, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01796
- Müller OA, Grau J, Thieme S, Prochaska H, Adlung N, Sorgatz A and Bonas U (2015) Genome-wide identification and validation of reference genes in infected tomato leaves for quantitative RT-PCR analyses. PLoS ONE10: e0136499. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0136499
- Schreiber T, Sorgatz A, List F, Blüher D, Thieme S, Wilmanns M and Bonas U (2015) Refined requirements for protein regions important for activity of the TALE AvrBs3. PLoS ONE 17: e0120214. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.01020214
- Schreiber T and Bonas U (2014) Repeat 1 of TAL effectors affects target specificity for the base at position zero. Nucleic Acids Res42: 7160–7169. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku341
- Grau J, Wolf A, Reschke M, Bonas U, Posch S and Boch J (2013) Computational predictions provide insights into the biology of TAL effector target sites. PLoS Comput Biol9: e1002962
- Schmidtke C, Abendroth U, Brock J, Serrania J, Becker A and Bonas U. (2013) Small RNA sX13 – a multifaceted regulator of virulence in the plant pathogen Xanthomonas. PLoS Pathog9: e1003626
- Singer AU, Schulze S, Skarina T, Xu X, Cui H, Eschen-Lippold L, Egler M, Srikumar T, Raught B, Lee J, Scheel D, Savchenko A, Bonas U. (2013) A pathogen type III effector with a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase architecture. PLoS Pathog9: e1003121
- Schulze S, Kay S, Büttner D, Egler M, Eschen-Lippold L, Hause G, Krüger A, Lee J, Müller O, Scheel D, Szczesny R, Thieme F and Bonas U (2012) Analysis of new type III effectors from Xanthomonas uncovers XopB and XopS as suppressors of plant immunity. New Phytol195: 894 – 911
- Schmidtke C, Findeiß S, Sharma CM, Kuhfuß J, Hoffmann S, Vogel J, Stadler PF and Bonas U (2012) Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of the plant pathogen Xanthomonas identifies sRNAs with putative virulence functions. Nucleic Acids Res40: 2020-2031
- Geißler R, Scholze H, Hahn S, Streubel J, Bonas U, Behrens S E and Boch J (2011) Transcriptional activators of human genes with programmable DNA-specificity. PLoS ONE 6: e19509
- Szczesny R, Jordan M, Schramm C, Schulz S, Cogez V, Bonas U and Büttner D (2010) Functional characterization of the Xcs and Xps type II secretion ATPase HrcN from the plant pathogen Xathomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. New Phytol187: 983-1002
- Szczesny R, Büttner D, Escolar L, Schulze S, Seiferth A and Bonas U (2010) Suppression of the AvrBs1-specific hypersensitive response by the YopJ effector homolog AvrBsT from Xanthomonas depends on a SNF1-related kinase. New Phytol187: 1058-1074
- Berger C, Robin GP, Bonas U and Koebnik R (2010) Membrane topology of conserved components of the type III secretion system from the plant pathogen Xanthomonascampestris pv. vesicatoria. Microbiology156 (7): 1963-1974
- Findeiß S, Schmidtke C, Stadler PF and Bonas U (2010) A novel family of plasmid-transferred anti-sense ncRNAs. RNA Biology7: 1-5
- Boch J, Scholze H, Schornack S, Landgraf A, Hahn S, Kay S, Lahaye T, Nickstadt A and Bonas U (2009) Breaking the code of DNA-binding specificity of TAL-type III effectors. Science326: 1509-1512
- Gürlebeck D, Jahn S, Gürlebeck N, Szczesny R, Szurek B, Hahn S, Hause G and Bonas U (2009) Visualization of novel virulence activities of the Xanthomonas type III effectors AvrBs1, AvrBs3 and AvrBs4. Mol Plant Pathol10: 175-188
- Kay S, Hahn S, Marois E, Wieduwild R and Bonas U (2009) Detailed analysis of the DNA recognition motifs of the Xanthomonas type III effectors AvrBs3 and AvrBs3∆rep16. Plant J59: 859-871
- Römer P, Strauss T, Hahn S, Scholze H, Morbitzer R, Grau J, Bonas U and Lahaye T (2009) Recognition of AvrBs3-like proteins is mediated by specific binding to promoters of matching pepper Bs3 alleles. Plant Physiol150: 1697-1712
- Lorenz C, Schulz S, Wolsch T, Rossier O, Bonas U and Büttner D (2008) HpaC controls substrate specificity of the Xanthomonas type III secretion system. PLoS Path 4: e1000094
- Lorenz C, Kirchner O, Egler M, Stuttmann J, Bonas U and Büttner D (2008) HpaA from Xanthomonas is a regulator of type III secretion. Mol Microbiol 69: 344-360
- Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Kay S, Hahn S, Marois E, Hause G, Bonas U (2007).
A bacterial effector acts as a plant transcription factor and induces a cell size regulator. Science 318: 648-651
Link to abstract on Science
Link to abstract on PubMed - Römer P, Hahn S, Jordan T, Strauß T, Bonas U, Lahaye T (2007) .
Plant pathogen recognition mediated by promoter activation of the Pepper Bs3 resistance gene. Science 318: 645-648
Link to abstract on Science
Link to abstract on PubMed - Van den Ackerveken G, Marois E, Bonas U (1996)
Recognition of the bacterial avirulence protein AvrBs3 occurs inside the host plant cell. Cell 87: 1307-1316
Link to abstract on Pubmed - Herbers K, Conrads-Strauch J, Bonas U (1992)
Race-specificity of plant resistance to bacterial spot disease determined by repetitive motifs in a bacterial avirulence protein. Nature 356: 172-174
- Bonas U, Boch J, Schornack S and Lahaye T (2010) Modular DNA-binding domains and methods of use.
- Lahaye T, Römer P, Schornack S, Boch J and Bonas U (2010) Pathogen-inducible promoters and their use in enhancing the disease resistance of plants.
- Bonas U, Lahaye T and Römer P. (2008) Bs3 resistance gene and methods of use.
- Büttner D and Bonas U (2004). Bacterial system for protein transport in eukaryotic cells.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Bärbel Friedrich
Academic Director from 2008 to 2018
Professor Dr. rer. nat. Bärbel Friedrich, born in Göttingen in 1945, studied Biology at the University of Göttingen from 1965 to 1970 and completed her doctorate there in 1973 in Microbiology. From 1975 to 1976, she researched as a postdoc at MIT in Cambridge, USA, and following that position was a senior research associate at the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Göttingen until 1984. She finished her post-doctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) from the University of Göttingen in 1983. In 1985, she was appointed as a C4 Professor of Microbiology at the Free University of Berlin. In 1994, Professor Friedrich accepted an appointment at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where she was the Chair of Microbiology until her retirement in 2013. Her research fields include the function and biosynthesis of metal proteins, mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis with the example of metal-containing redox proteins, especially hydrogenase, and their biotechnological applications. Functional genome analysis concentrated on facultative lithoautotrophic bacteria. Currently, she has 200 publications on her scientific work.
From 2008 to 2018, Bärbel Friedrich was the Academic Director of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. She is a member of the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, and from 2005 until 2015 she was its vice-president. In 2014, she was appointed to the University of Vienna’s University Council. She is also a member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities Göttingen and corresponding member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. From 1997 to 2003, she was the vice-president of the German Research Foundation (DFG), and from 2003 until 2005 was part of the Bundestag’s Enquete Commission “Ethics and Law in Modern Medicine”. Bärbel Friedrich has received numerous awards, including the Arthur Burkhardt Prize, the Order of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Medal of Merit from the Leopoldina. In 2022, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Greifswald awarded her an honorary doctorate.
- Bürstel, I., Siebert, E., Frielingsdorf, S., Zebger, I., Friedrich, B., Lenz, O.2016. CO synthesized from the central one-carbon pool as source for the iron carbonyl in O2-tolerant [NiFe]-hydrogenase. Proc Nath Acad Sci USA 113: 14722-14726. PubMed
- Friedrich, B. 2015. Policy advice in a world of global callenges: the role of national academies. Proceedings of the 14th Baltic converence on Intellectuel Cooperation, p. 34-39.
- Kohlmann, Y., Pohlmann,A., Schwartz, E, Zühlke, D., Otto, A., Albrecht, D, Grimmler, C., Ehrenreich, A., Voigt, B. , Becher, D., Hecker, M., Friedrich, B., Cramm, R. 2014. Coping with Anoxia: A Comprehensive Proteomic and Transcriptomic Survey of Denitrification. J. Proteome. Res. 13:4325-4338
- Frielingsdorf, S., Fritsch, J., Schmidt, A., Hammer, M., Lowenstein, J., Siebert, E., Pelmenschikov, V., Jaenicke, T., Kalms, J., Rippers, Y., Lendzian, F., Zebger, I., Teutloff, C., Kaupp, M., Bittl, R., Hildebrandt, P., Friedrich, B., Lenz, O., Scheerer, P. 2014. Reversible [4Fe-3S] cluster morphing in an O2-tolerant [NiFe] hydrogenase. Nat Chem Biol. 5:378-85
- Fritsch, J., E. Siebert, J. Priebe, I. Zebger, F. Lendzian, C. Teutloff, B. Friedrich, and O. Lenz. 2014. Rubredoxin-related maturation factor guarantees metal cofactor integrity during aerobic biosynthesis of membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase. J Biol Chem. 289:7982-7993
- Schäfer, C., B. Friedrich, and O. Lenz. 2013. Novel, oxygen-insensitive group 5 [NiFe]-hydrogenase inRalstonia eutropha. Appl Environ Microbiol 79:5137-5145
- Fritsch, J., O. Lenz, and B. Friedrich. 2013. Structure, function and biosynthesis of O2-tolerant hydrogenases. Nat Rev Microbiol. 11:106-14
- Schwartz, E., J. Fritsch, and B. Friedrich. 2013. In: The Prokaryotes (Eds.: E. Rosenberg, E. DeLong, S. Lory, E. Stackebrandt, F. Thompson), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 119-199
- Lütte, S., A. Pohlmann, E. Zaychikov, E. Schwartz, J. R. Becher, H. Heumann, and B. Friedrich. 2012. Autotrophic production of stable isotope labeled-arginine in Ralstonia eutropha strain H16. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78:7884-7890
- Bürstel, I., E. Siebert, G. Winter, P. Hummel, I. Zebger, B. Friedrich, and O. Lenz. 2012. A universal scaffold for synthesis of the Fe(CN)2(CO) moiety of [NiFe]-hydrogenase. J Biol Chem. 287:38845-38853
- Sezer, M., S. Frielingsdorf, D. Millo, N. Heidary, T. Utesch, M.-A. Mroginski, B. Friedrich, P. Hildebrandt, I. Zebger, and I. M. Weidinger. 2011. Role of the HoxZ subunit in the electron transfer pathway of the membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha immobilized on electrodes. J Phys Chem. B 115:10368-10374
- Poehlein, A., B. Kusian, B. Friedrich, R. Daniel, and B. Bowien. 2011. Complete genome Sequence of the type strain Cupriavidus necator N-1. J Bacteriol. 193:5017
- Lukey, M. J., M. M. Roessler, A. Parkin, R. M. Evans, R. A. Davies, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, F. Sargent, and F. A. Armstrong. 2011. Oxygen-tolerant [NiFe]-hydrogenases: the individual and collective importance of supernumerary cysteines at the proximal Fe-S cluster. J Am Chem Soc. 133:16881-16892
- Kohlmann, Y., A. Pohlmann, A. Otto, D. Becher, R. Cramm, S. Lütte, E. Schwartz, M. Hecker, and B. Friedrich. 2011. Analyses of soluble and membrane proteomes of Ralstonia eutropha H16 reveal major changes in the protein complement in adaptation to lithoautotrophy. J Proteome Res. 10:2767-2776
- Goris, T., A. F. Wait, M. Saggu, J. Fritsch, N. Heidary, M. Stein, I. Zebger, F. Lendzian, F. A. Armstrong, B. Friedrich, and O. Lenz. 2011. A unique iron-sulfur cluster is crucial for oxygen tolerance of a [NiFe]-hydrogenase. Nat Chem Biol. 7:310-318
- Fritsch, J., P. Scheerer, S. Frielingsdorf, S. Kroschinsky, B. Friedrich, O. Lenz, and C. M. Spahn.2011. The crystal structure of an oxygen-tolerant hydrogenase unmasks a novel iron-sulphur centre. Nature479:249-253
- Fritsch, J., O. Lenz, and B. Friedrich. 2011. The maturation factors HoxR and HoxT contribute to oxygen tolerance of membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase in Ralstonia eutropha H16. J Bacteriol. 193:2487-2497
- Fritsch, J., S. Löscher, O. Sanganas, E. Siebert, I. Zebger, M. Stein, M. Ludwig, A. L. D. Lacey, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, O. Lenz, and M. Haumann. 2011. [NiFe]- and [FeS]-cofactors in the membrane-bound hydrogenase of Ralstonia eutropha investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy: insights into O2-tolerant H2-cleavage. Biochemistry. 50:5858-5869
- Friedrich, B., J. Fritsch, and O. Lenz. 2011. Oxygen-tolerant hydrogenases in hydrogen-based technologies. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 22:358-364
- Bürstel, I., P. Hummel, E. Siebert, N. Wisitruangsakul, I. Zebger, B. Friedrich, and O. Lenz. 2011. Probing the origin of the metabolic precursor of the CO ligand in the catalytic center of [NiFe]-hydrogenase. J Biol Chem 286:44937-44944
- Winter, G., S. Dökel, A. K. Jones, P. Scheerer, N. Krauss, W. Höhne, and B. Friedrich. 2010. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic analysis of the [NiFe] hydrogenase maturation factor HypF1 from Ralstonia eutropha H16. 2010. Acta Cryst. F. 66:452-455
- Saggu, M., C. Teutloff, M. Ludwig, M. Brecht, M.-E. Pandelia, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, W. Lubitz, P. Hildebrandt, F. Lendzian, and R. Bittl. 2010. Comparison of the of the membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenases from R. eutropha H16 and D. vulgaris Miyazaki F in the oxidized ready state by pulsed EPR. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 12:2139-2148
- Saggu, M., M. Ludwig, B. Friedrich, P. Hildebrandt, R. Bittl, F. Lendzian, O. Lenz, and I. Zebger.2010. Impact of amino acid substitutions near the catalytic site on the spectral properties of an O2-tolerant membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase. Chem. Phys. Chem. 11:1215-1224
- Löscher, S., A. Gebler, M. Stein, O. Sanganas, T. Buhrke, I. Zebger, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, O. Lenz, and M. Haumann. 2010. Protein-protein complex formation affects the Ni-Fe and Fe-S centers in the H2-sensing regulatory hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16.Chem Phys Chem. 11:1297-1306
- Lenz, O., M. Ludwig, T. Schubert, I. Bürstel, S. Ganskow, T. Goris, A. Schwarze, and B. Friedrich.2010. H2 conversion in the presence of O2 as performed by the membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase of Ralstonia eutropha.Chem Phys Chem. 11:1107-1119
- Friedrich, B. Nature's way to exploit dihydrogen as an alternative fuel. 2010. FEBS J. 277:(Suppl. 1) 12-13
- Cracknell, J. A., B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong. 2010. Gas pressure effects on the rates of catalytic H2 oxidation by hydrogenases. Chem Commun (Camb). 46:8463-8465
- Krassen H., A. Schwarze, B. Friedrich, K. Ataka, O. Lenz, and J. Heberle. 2009. Photosynthetic hydrogen production by a hybrid complex of photosystem I and [NiFe]-hydrogenase. ACS Nano 3:4055-4061
- Schwartz, E., B. Voigt, D. Zühlke, A. Pohlmann, O. Lenz, D. Albrecht, A. Schwarze, Y. Kohlmann, C. Krause, M. Hecker, and B. Friedrich. 2009. A proteomic view of the facultatively chemolithoautotrophic lifestyle of Ralstonia eutropha H16. Proteomics 9:5132-42. PubMed
- Saggu, M., I. Zebger, M. Ludwig, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, P. Hildebrandt, and F. Lendzian. 2009. Spectroscopic insights into the oxygen-tolerant membrane-associated [NiFe] hydrogenase of Ralstonia eutropha H16. J Biol Chem 284:16264-76. PubMed
- Cracknell, J. A., A. F. Wait, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong. 2009. A Kinetic and thermodynamic understanding of O2 tolerance in [NiFe]-Hydrogenases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106:20681-6. PubMed
- Cramm, R., and B. Friedrich. 2009. Microbial sensor systems for dihydrogen, nitric oxide, and carbon monoxide. In R. Krämer and K. Jung (ed.), Bacterial signalling. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
- Friedrich, B. 2009. The Role of National Academies of Sciences in Modern Societies, p. 73-79. In M. Djurovi´c (ed.), International Conference "Role of National Science Academies in the 21st Century", vol. 92. Central National Library Cetinje, Montenegro, Podgorica.
- Friedrich, B. 2009. Wasserstoffaktivierung in Gegenwart von Sauerstoff: Eine Herausforderung für den katalysator Hydrogenase, p. 120-125, Jahrbuch der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 2008. J. Cramer Verlag, Braunschweig.
- Friedrich, B., and O. Lenz. 2009. Three ways to confer oxygen tolerance to [NiFe]-hydrogenases. J Biol Inorg Chem. 14:5-7.
- Ludwig, M., T. Schubert, I. Zebger, N. Wisitruangsakul, M. Saggu, A. Strack, O. Lenz, P. Hildebrandt, and B. Friedrich. 2009. Concerted action of two novel auxiliary proteins in assembly of the active site in a membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase. J Biol Chem. 284:2159-68. PubMed
- Cracknell, J. A., K. A. Vincent, M. Ludwig, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong. 2008. Enzymatic oxidation of H2 in atmospheric O2: The electrochemistry of energy generation from trace H2 by aerobic microorganisms. J Am Chem Soc. 130:424-5. PubMed
- Goldet, G., A. F. Wait, J. A. Cracknell, K. A. Vincent, M. Ludwig, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong. 2008. Hydrogen production under aerobic conditions by membrane-bound hydrogenases fromRalstonia eutropha. J Am Chem Soc. 130:11106-11113. PubMed
- Lenz, O., and B. Friedrich. 2008, posting date. Biokatalysatoren für die Erzeugung von Wasserstoff und Strom. Aktuelle Wochenschau der GDCh, Woche 45. link
- Raberg, M., F. Reinecke, R. Reichelt, U. Malkus, S. König, M. Pötter, W. F. Fricke, A. Pohlmann, B. Voigt, M. Hecker, B. Friedrich, B. Bowien, and A. Steinbüchel. 2008. Ralstonia eutropha H16 flagellation changes according to nutrient supply and state of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) accumulation. Appl Environ Microbiol. 74:4477-90. PubMed
- Wisitruangsakul, N., O. Lenz, M. Ludwig, B. Friedrich, F. Lendzian, P. Hildebrandt, and I. Zebger.2008. Monitoring catalysis of the membrane-bound hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16 by surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 48:611-613. PubMed
- Gebler, A., T. Burgdorf, A. L. De Lacey, O. Rüdiger, A. Martinez-Arias, O. Lenz, and B. Friedrich.2007. Impact of alterations near the [NiFe] active site on the function of the H2 sensor from Ralstonia eutropha. FEBS J. 274:74-85. PubMed
- Lenz, O., I. Zebger, J. Hamann, P. Hildebrandt, and B. Friedrich. 2007. Carbamoylphosphate serves as the source of CN-, but not of the intrinsic CO in the active site of the regulatory [NiFe]-hydrogenase fromRalstonia eutropha. FEBS Lett. 581:3322-6. PubMed
- Schubert, T., O. Lenz, E. Krause, R. Volkmer, and B. Friedrich. 2007. Chaperones specific for the membrane-bound [NiFe]-hydrogenase interact with the Tat signal peptide of the small subunit precursor inRalstonia eutropha H16. Mol Microbiol. 66 453-467. PubMed
- Löscher, S., T. Burgdorf, I. Zebger, P. Hildebrandt, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, and M. Haumann. 2006. Bias from H2 cleavage to production and coordination changes at the Ni-Fe active site in the NAD+-reducing hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha. Biochemistry. 45:11658-65. PubMed
- Pohlmann, A., W. F. Fricke, F. Reinecke, B. Kusian, H. Liesegang, R. Cramm, T. Eitinger, C. Ewering, M. Pötter, E. Schwartz, A. Strittmatter, I. Voss, G. Gottschalk, A. Steinbüchel, B. Friedrich, and B. Bowien. 2006. Genome sequence of the bioplastic-producing "Knallgas" bacterium Ralstonia eutropha H16. Nat Biotechnol. 24:1257-62. PubMed
- Ihara, M., H. Nishihara, K. S. Yoon, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, H. Nakamoto, K. Kojima, D. Honma, T. Kamachi, and I. Okura. 2006. Light-driven hydrogen production by a hybrid complex of a [NiFe]-hydrogenase and the cyanobacterial photosystem I. Photochem Photobiol. 82:676-82. PubMed
- Van der Linden, E., T. Burgdorf, A. L. de Lacey, T. Buhrke, M. Scholte, V. M. Fernandez, B. Friedrich, and S. P. Albracht. 2006. An improved purification procedure for the soluble [NiFe]-hydrogenase ofRalstonia eutropha: new insights into its (in)stability and spectroscopic properties. J Biol Inorg Chem.11:247-60. PubMed
- Vincent, K. A., J. A. Cracknell, J. R. Clark, M. Ludwig, O. Lenz, B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong.2006. Electricity from low-level H2 in still air - an ultimate test for an oxygen tolerant hydrogenase. Chem Commun (Camb). 48:5033-5. PubMed
- Pohlmann, A., W. F. Fricke, F. Reinecke, B. Kusian, H. Liesegang, R. Cramm, T. Eitinger, C. Ewering, M. Pötter, E. Schwartz, A. Strittmatter, I. Voss, G. Gottschalk, A. Steinbüchel, B. Friedrich, and B. Bowien. 2006. Ralstonia eutropha H16: Genom eines Bioplastik produzierenden Knallgasbakteriums. GenomXpress 4:7-8.
- Schwartz, E., and B. Friedrich. 2006. The H2-metabolizing prokaryotes. In M. Dworkin, S. Falkow, E. Rosenberg, K. H. Schleifer, and E. Stackebrandt (ed.), The prokaryotes. A handbook on the biology of bacteria, 3rd ed. Springer, New York.
- Lenz, O., A. Gleiche, A. Strack, and B. Friedrich. 2005. Requirements for heterologous production of a complex metalloenzyme: the membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenase. J Bacteriol. 187:6590-5. PubMed
- Vincent, K. A., J. A. Cracknell, O. Lenz, I. Zebger, B. Friedrich, and F. A. Armstrong. 2005. Electrocatalytic hydrogen oxidation by an enzyme at high carbon monoxide or oxygen levels. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102:16951-4. PubMed
- Buhrke, T., S. Löscher, O. Lenz, E. Schlodder, I. Zebger, L. K. Andersen, P. Hildebrandt, W. Meyer-Klaucke, H. Dau, B. Friedrich, and M. Haumann. 2005. Reduction of unusual iron-sulfur clusters in the H2-sensing regulatory Ni-Fe hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16. J Biol Chem. 280:19488-95. PubMed
- Burgdorf, T., E. van der Linden, M. Bernhard, Q. Y. Yin, J. W. Back, A. F. Hartog, A. O. Muijsers, C. G. de Koster, S. P. Albracht, and B. Friedrich. 2005. The Soluble NAD+-Reducing [NiFe]-Hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha H16 Consists of Six Subunits and Can Be Specifically Activated by NADPH. J Bacteriol.187:3122-32. PubMed
- Burgdorf, T., S. Löscher, P. Liebisch, E. Van der Linden, M. Galander, F. Lendzian, W. Meyer-Klaucke, S. P. Albracht, B. Friedrich, H. Dau, and M. Haumann. 2005. Structural and oxidation-state changes at its nonstandard Ni-Fe site during activation of the NAD-reducing hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha detected by X-ray absorption, EPR, and FTIR spectroscopy. J Am Chem Soc. 127:576-92. PubMed
- Büsch, A., K. Strube, B. Friedrich, and R. Cramm. 2005. Transcriptional regulation of nitric oxide reduction in Ralstonia eutropha H16. Biochem Soc Trans. 33:193-4. PubMed
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- Friedrich, B., and C. Hogrefe. 1984. Genetics of lithoautotrophic metabolism in Alcaligenes eutrophus, p. 244 -247. In R. L. Crawford and R. S. Hanson (ed.), Microbial Growth on C1 compounds. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, DC.
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- Schlesier, M., and B. Friedrich. 1981. In vivo inactivation of soluble hydrogenase of Alcaligenes eutrophus. Arch Microbiol. 129:150-3. PubMed
- Friedrich, C. G., B. Friedrich, and B. Bowien. 1981. Formation of enzymes of autotrophic metabolism during heterotrophic growth of Alcaligenes eutrophus. J Gen Microbiol. 122:69-78.
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- Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina. 2015. Leopoldina-Diskussion Nr. 4 - Freiheit und Verantwortung der Wissenschaft: Rechtfertigen die Erfolgschancen von Forschung ihre potentiellen Risiken? Dokumentation des Symposiums der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und des Deutschen Ethikrates am 3. November 2014 in Halle (Saale). Halle (Saale)
- Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, acatech ‒ Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, Union der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften. 2015. Akademien nehmen Stellung zu Fortschritten der molekularen Züchtung und zum erwogenen nationalen Anbauverbot gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen. Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme abrufbar unter: Leopoldina.
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- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Hrsg.) und Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina. 2014. Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Wissenschaftsverantwortung – Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit sicherheitsrelevanter Forschung/ Scientific Freedom and Scientific Responsibility – Recommendations for the Handling of Security-Relevant Research. Bonn.
- Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.). 2014. Zukunftsreport Wissenschaft. Lebenswissenschaften im Umbruch – Herausforderungen der Omics-Technologien für Deutschlands Infrastrukturen in Forschung und Lehre. Halle (Saale).
- Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina (Hrsg.). 2012. Bioenergie: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Halle (Saale).
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Hrsg.), Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften. 2009. Synthetische Biologie. Berlin Heidelberg.

Professor Dr. h.c. Klaus Pinkau Ph.D. D.Sc.
Academic Director from 2004 to 2008
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. h.c. Klaus Pinkau, Ph.D., D.Sc., born in Leipzig in 1931, studied Mathematics in Tübingen and Physics in Hamburg and Bristol from 1951 to 1956. In 1956, he obtained his Diplom in Physics at the Universität Hamburg and in 1958 his Ph.D. from the University of Bristol. From 1958 to 1965, Klaus Pinkau conducted research especially in the area of high-energy physics and cosmic radiation - from 1958 to 1960 as a research assistant at the University of Bristol (Great Britain), and after his post-doctoral lecturing qualification (habilitation) in 1960 as a private lecturer at the Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (Germany) and then from 1964 to 1965 as a visiting professor at Louisiana State University (USA). In 1965 he turned down an appointment as a full professor at Louisiana State University but remained a consulting professor for the university from then on. Instead, he became a scientific member of the Max Planck Society at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, focusing on high-energy astrophysics and gamma-ray astronomy. In 1969, Klaus Pinkau refused an appointment to the Chair of Astronomy at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen in favor of accepting the position of Assistant Director of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. In the same year, Pinkau refused an appointment as a professor at the Technical University of Munich. From 1972 to 1977, Pinkau led the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics as its Managing Director before he turned to plasma physics and fusion research in 1981. He introduced important ideas in these fields as the Scientific Director and Chair of the Board of Directors and Director of the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Garching (1981 to 1999), as the Chair of the JET Council (1987 to 1990) and as the Chair of the Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme (1990 to 1998). In 1985, Klaus Pinkau received an honorary doctorate (D. Sc.) from the University of Bristol, and in 1998 an honorary doctorate (Dr. rer. nat. h. c.) from the University of Greifswald.
Between 1970 and 1980, Klaus Pinkau was a member of the COS Group of the ESA, investigator of the Cos-B Experiments of the ESA, member of the ESA’s Science Programme Committee, member of the ESA’s Science Advisory Committee and later its chair, and chair of the Review Committee “Large Projects for Foundational research” of the BMFT. Between 1980 and 1990, he was the chair of the founding committee for an Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin, member of the Consultative Committee for the Fusion Programme, chair of the Science Programme Review Team for the ESA Council, and vice-president of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin. Between 1990 and 2002, Pinkau led NASA’s EGRET experiments (until 1999) as co-principal and then as principal investigator; he was a member in the Max Planck Society’s Senate and (until 1994) chair of its Scientific Council, chair of the Consultative Committee for the European Union’s Fusion Programme (until 1999), chair of the Karl Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung (until 1999), member of the Board of Trustees for the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics and Nuclear Physics in Garching, European Representative of the Max Planck Society, chair of the Evaluation Commission of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2001) and member in the Erwin Schrödinger Prize Committee of the Helmholtz Association. Klaus Pinkau is a member of the German Physical Society (DPG) and the European Physical Society, fellow of the American Physical Society, and ordinary member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. He was the Academic Director of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald from 2004 to 2008, and was also a member of the Board of Trustees for the Alfried Krupp Kolleg Greifswald Foundation from 2006 to 2008. For his scientific and research policy work, Klaus Pinkau was given the Order of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit First Class of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bavarian Order of Merit, the Wilhelm-Exner Medal of the Austrian Trade Association and the Bavarian Maximilian Order for Science and Art.
1. K. Pinkau
The Conversion Length of High Energy Photons.
Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1156, 1956.
2. K. Pinkau
Observations on Electromagnetic Cascades in Nuclear Emulsions.
Nuovo Cimento, 3, 1285, 1956.
3. K. Pinkau
Energy Determination of Electromagnetic Cascades in Nuclear Emulsions.
Phil.Mag., 2, No.23,1389, 1957.
4. B. Edwards, J. Losty, D.H. Perkins, K. Pinkau and J. Reynolds
Analysis of Nuclear Interactions of Energies between 1000 and 100 000 BeV.
Phil.Mag., 3, No.27, 237, 1958.
5. P.H. Fowler, D.H. Perkins and K. Pinkau
Observation of the Suppression Effect on Bremsstrahlung.
Phil.Mag., 4, No.45, 1030, 1959.
6. J. Duthie, C.M. Fisher, P.H. Fowler, A. Kaddoura, D.H. Perkins and K. Pinkau
Spectrum of g-Rays and Nuclear-Active Component of Air Showers at 11.000 Meters, Part II
Proc. Moscow Cosmic Ray Conf., Part I, p. 30; Part II, p. 35, I, 1960.
7. P.H. Fowler, D.H. Perkins and K. Pinkau
Energy Determination of Electromagnetic Cascades.
Proc. Moscow Cosmic Ray Conf., II, p. 48, 1960.
8. J.G. Duthie, C.M. Fisher, P.H. Fowler, A. Kaddoura, D.H. Perkins and K. Pinkau
The Study of High-Energy -Rays Produced by Cosmic Radiation at 40 000 Feet. Part I: Experimental Disposition, and Determination of Energy and Nature of Electromagnetic Cascades.
Phil.Mag., 6, 89, 1961.
9. J.G. Duthie, C.M. Fisher, P.H. Fowler, A. Kaddoura, D.H. Perkins, K. Pinkau and W. Wolter
The Study of High-Energy Rays Produced by Cosmic Radiation at 40 000 Feet. Part II: The Energy Spectrum of Cascades and its In¬terpretation. Phil.Mag., 6, 113, 1961.
10 K. Pinkau
The Development of Cascades Initiated by Nuclear Interaction.
Phil.Mag., 6,No. 65, 657, 1961.
11. M. Bowler, J. Duthie, P.H. Fowler, A. Kaddoura, D.H. Perkins, K. Pinkau and W. Wolter
High Energy Gamma -Rays and Jet Showers.
J.Phys.Soc. Japan, 17, Suppl. A-III, 424, 1962.
12. K. Pinkau
The Three-Dimensional Development of Nucleonic Cascades.
J.Phys. Soc. Japan, 17, Suppl. A-III, 446, 1962.
13. J. Duthie, P.H. Fowler, A. Kaddoura, D.H. Perkins and K. Pinkau
The Flux of -Rays at High Altitudes, and Comparison with the Muon Flux at Sea-Level.
Nuovo Cimento, 24, 122, 1962.
14. K. Pinkau and H. Selk
Radiosonde zur genauen Messung des Luftdruckes und verschiedener Temperaturwerte.
Atomkernenergie, 10, 365, 1963.
15. ICEF Collaboration
High-Energy Nuclear Interaction from the International Co-operative Emulsion Flight.
Supplemento Al Nuovo Cimento, I, 1039, 1963
16. K. Pinkau
Über die Bedeutung einiger Meßergebnisse der Ultrastrahlungsphysik für die Kernphysik.
Fortschritte der Physik, 12,139, 1964.
17. K. Pinkau, U. Pollvolgt and C. Reppin
Spark-Emulsion Chamber for Balloonflights.
Proc. Jaipur Cosmic Ray Conf., 5-57, 548, 1964
18. E. Heidbreder and K. Pinkau
The Production-Spectrum of Particles in Interactions above 1000 GeV Energy. Proc. Jaipur Cosmic Ray Conf., 5-24, 227, 1964.
19. D. Köhn, K. Pinkau and G. Wibberenz
Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for Balloonflights.
Proc. Jaipur Cosmic Ray Conf., 3-31, 203, 1964.
20. K. Pinkau
Limitations to Methods of Energy Determination of Electromagnetic Cascades. Nuovo Cimento, 33, 221, 1964.
21. K. Pinkau
Errors in Electromagnetic Cascade Measurements Due to the Transition Effect. Phys. Rev., 139, 6B 1548, Sept. 1965.
22. K. Pinkau and K.V. Thompson
Design Calculations for Ionization Spectrometers: Cascade Development.
Rev. Sci. Instr., 37, No. 3, 302, 1966.
23. D. Köhn, K. Pinkau und G. Wibberenz
Messung des sekundären Gammaspektrums von 0,2 bis 2 GeV in der oberen Atmosphäre.
Zeitschr. f. Phys., 193, 443, 1966.
24. K. Pinkau
Multiplicity of High Energy Interactions.
Proc. London Cosmic Ray Conf., 2, 895, 1965.
25. K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt, W. Schmidt and R.W. Huggett
Bolloon Experiment Using Spark Chambers and an Ionization Spectro¬meter.
Proc. London Cosmic Ray Conf., 2, 821, 1965.
26. K. Pinkau
Molière´s Theory of Multiple Scattering Applied to the Spark Chamber.
Zeitschr. f. Phys., 196, 163, 1966.
27. K. Pinkau, C. Reppin und V. Schönfelder
Bestimmung des Schwerpunkts von Teilchenschauern mit Hilfe der Doppelkeilmethode.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 49, 13, 167.
28. K. Pinkau
The Measurement of Multiple Scattering, of Track Direction and Position in Spark Chambers.
Nucl. Instr. and Meth., 48, 173, 1967.
29. K. Pinkau
Die Messung solarer und atmosphärischer Neutronen. Zeitschr. f. Naturforschg., 21a, Heft 12, 2100, 1966.
30. K. Pinkau
Kosmische Gammastrahlung.
Mitt. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 6, 328, 1966.
31. R. Lüst und K. Pinkau
Theoretical Aspects of Celestial Gamma Rays.
Electromagnetic Radiation in Space, J.G. Emming (Ed.), D. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 231, 1967.
32. L. Haser und K. Pinkau
Über Forschungsaufgaben des Instituts für extraterrestrische Physik am Max-Planck-Institut für Physik und Astrophysik.
Sciences et Industries Spatiales, No. 5/6, 2, 1967.
33. R. Holynski, V. Jones and K. Pinkau
Lateral and Angular Structure of Electromagnetic Cascades.
Canadian J. of Physl., 46, 278, 1968.
34. E. Heidbreder und K. Pinkau
Production Spectrum of Gamma Rays in High Energy Interactions and High Energy Gamma Ray Intensity at 2900 m.
Zeitschr. f. Phys., 211, 51, 1968.
35. R. Holynski, W.V. Jones and K. Pinkau
Experimental Tests of Cascade Theory at High Energies.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 9/68, 1968.
36. R. Holynski, W.V. Jones and K. Pinkau
Experimental Tests of Cascade Theory at High Energies.
Phys. Rev., 176,No.5, 1661, 1968.
37. K. Pinkau
Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Solar and Atmospheric Neu¬trons.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 3/68, 1968.
38. K. Pinkau
Investigation of Spark Chamber Systems with Respect to Power of Resolution in Energy, Position, and Direction.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 5/68, 1968
39. C. J. Crannell, H. Crannell, C. R. Gillespie, K. Pinkau and R. R. Whitney
Experimental Determination of the Transition Effect in Electromagnetic Cascade Showers.
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 13, HEPL 587,694, 1968 (Abstract).
40. K. Pinkau
Gamma-Astronomie-Experiment mit Hilfe eines Scout Satelliten.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 10/68, 1968.
41. H. Göllnitz, R. Gorenflo, E. Heidbreder, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin and V. Schönfelder
Design of a Neutron Scattering Chamber Using Monte Carlo Calculati¬ons.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 14/68, 1968.
42. K. Pinkau
Probleme der Röntgen- und Gamma-Astronomie.
Mitt.Astron.Ges., 25, 37, 1968; Die Sterne, 45, 81, 1969.
43. W.V. Jones, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt, W.K.H. Schmidt and R.W. Huggett
A Study of the Properties of an Ionization Spectrometer with 10, 20,5 and 28 GeV/c Incident Protons.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 23, 1969.
Nucl. Instr. & Meth., 72, 173, 1969.
44. W.K.H. Schmidt, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt and R.W. Huggett
Measurement of the Primary Cosmic-Ray Proton Spectrum between 40 and 400 GeV.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 24, 1969., Phys. Rev., 184,No. 5, 1279, 1969.
45. E.R. Goza, R.W. Huggett, S. Krzywdzinski, E. Stafford, W.V. Jones, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt and W.K.H. Schmidt
Balloon Experiment Using an Ionization Spectrometer in Conjunction with an Emulsion Stack and Spark Chambers to Study High-Energy Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics.
Bull.Am.Phys.Soc., 14, 90, 1969.
46. W.V. Jones, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt and W.K.H. Schmidt
Calibration of an Ionization Calorimeter with Incident Protons of 10, 20.5 and 28 GeV/c.
Bull.Am.Phys.Soc., 14, 91, 1969.
47. K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt, W.K.H. Schmidt and R.W. Huggett
Measurement of the Primary Cosmic Ray Proton and Alpha-Particle Spectra above 10 GeV/Nucl.
Mitt.Astron.Ges., 27, 143, 1969.
Acta Physica Academiae Scient. Hungar., Suppl. 1, 29, 291, 1970.
48. C.J. Crannell, H. Crannell, C.R. Gillespie, K. Pinkau and R.R. Whitney
Experimental Determination of the Transition Effect in Electromagne¬tic Cascade Showers.
Phys. Rev., 182, No.5, 1435, 1969.
49. E. Heidbreder, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin and V. Schönfelder
Measurement of the Distribution in Energy and Angle of High -Energy Albedo Neutrons and Determination of an Upper Limit for the Solar Neutron Flux.
J.Geophys.Res.Lett., 75,,No.31, 6347, 1970.
50. E. Heidbreder, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin und V. Schönfelder
A Balloon Borne Detector to Determine High Energy Neutrons in Energy and Direction.
Nucl. Instr. & Meth., 88, 137, 1970.
51. K. Pinkau
Pulsars and the Distribution of Celestial Gamma Rays.
Phys.Rev.Lett., 25, No.9, 603, 1970.
52. K. Pinkau
Ursprung der kosmischen Strahlung.
Sterne und Weltraum, 9,Nr. 11, 280, 1970.
Physik und Kosmologie, Colloquium Verlag Berlin, S. 29, 1971.
53a.) H.C. van de Hulst, A. Scheepmaker, B.N. Swanenburg, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, E. Pfeffermann, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, H. Schneider, W. Voges, J. Labeyrie, P. Keirle, J. Paul, G. Bellomo, G. Bignami, G. Boella, L. Scarsi, G.W. Hutchinson, A.J. Pearce, D. Ramsden, R.D. Wills and P.J. Wright
Spectral Analysis of Gamma Rays with the COS-B satellite.
The Caravane Collaboration.
New Techniques in Space Astronomy, IAU Symposium No. 41, eds. F. Labuhn and R. Lüst, D. Reidel, Dordrecht, S. 37, 1971.
53b.) H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, K. Pinkau, K.H. Schenkl, W. Voges and H.J. Schneider
Investigation of the Power of Resolution of a Spark Chamber for Gamma-Ray Astronomy.
New Techniques in Space Astronomy, IAU Symposium No. 41, eds. F. Labuhn and R. Lüst,
D. Reidel, Dordrecht, S. 72, 1971.
54. E. Heidbreder, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin and V. Schönfelder
Measurements of the Distribution in Energy and Angle of High -Energy Neutrons in the Lower Atmosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 76, No. 13,2905, 1971.
55. J.F. Ormes,V.K. Balasubrahmanyan,T. Bowen, R.W. Huggett, T.A. Parnell and K. Pinkau
Composition and Spectra of High Energy Cosmic Rays. A Proposal for an Orbiting Laboratory for the HEAO. Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. X-661-71-1, 1971.
56. K. Pinkau
Kosmische Röntgen- und Gammastrahlung.
Sterne und Weltraum, 10, Nr. 8/9, 221, 1971.
57. K. Pinkau
Analysis Procedure of Gamma Ray Astronomy Spark Chamber Data.
MPI/PAE-Extraterr. 56, 1971.
58. K. Pinkau
Open Questions relating to Observations of Celestial Gamma Rays.
Proc. ESRO Coll. Noordwijk, ESRO SP-58, S,33,1970.
59. U. Pollvogt, K. Pinkau, W.K.H. Schmidt and R.W. Huggett
Energy Calibration of an Ionization Spectrometer for Alpha-Particles.
Bull.Am.Phys.Soc., 16, 656, 1971.
60. G. Kettenring, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, E. Pfeffermann, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel and
M. Sommer
Investigation of Gamma Radiation from the Crab Pulsar.
Proc. 12th Intern. Conf. on Cosmic Rays, Hobart, Tasmania, 1, 57, 1971.
61. C. Reppin, V. Schönfelder, G. Kanbach und K. Pinkau
Energy Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Atmospheric Albedo Neutrons.
Proc. 12th Intern. Conf. on Cosmic Rays, Hobart, Tasmania, 2, 834, 1971.
62. W.V. Jones, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt, W.K.H. Schmidt and R.W. Huggett
Properties of an Ionization Spectrometer exposed to 10, 20.5, and 28 GeV/c Machine accelerated Protons.
Acta Phys. Acad. Hung., 29, Suppl. 4, 521, 1970.
63. H. Coxell, C.R. Gillespie, R.W. Huggett, D.R. Humphreys, K. Pinkau, P.K. MacKeown
Studies of Hadron Interactions at Energies around 10 TeV using an Ionization Spectrometer-Emulsion Chamber Combination.
Acta Phys. Acad. Hung., 29, Suppl. 4, 497, 1970.
64. H. Billing und K. Pinkau
Discussion of the spectrum of Low Energy Cosmic Rays in Interstelllar Space, (Diskussion des Spektrums der niederenergetischen kosmischen Strah¬ung im interstellaren Raum.) Verhandlungen DPG, 8, 512, 1971.
65. W.V. Jones, K. Pinkau, U. Pollvogt and W.K.H. Schmidt
Some Properties of Nuclear Interaction Obtained with an Ionization Spectrometer at Proton Energies from 10 to 28 GeV.
Nuovo Cimento, 8A, 8, No.3, 575, 1972.
66. K. Pinkau
High Energy Astrophysics Research at the Max-Planck-Institut.
Atomkernenergie, 19, 133, 1972.
67. H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, E. Pfeffermann, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel and M. Sommer
Observation of the Diffuse Cosmic Gamma Radiation in the 30-50 MeV Region.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 64, 1972.
Astrophys. J., 175, No.1, L23, 1972.
68. K. Pinkau
Analysis Procedure of Gamma Ray Astronomy Spark Chamber Data.
Nucl. Instr. & Meth., 104, 517, 1972.
69. K. Pinkau, H.M. Kappler and D. Hovestandt
Activities in Space Research at the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterre¬strische Physik, Garching bei München (F.R.G.)
Industries Atomique & Spatiales, 6, 54, 1972.
70. K. Pinkau
Kosmische Gammastrahlen
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 83, 1973.
71. K. Pinkau
Report to the Goddard Workshop on Gamma Ray Astronomy Results obtained in Europe since the IAU-Symposium No. 55.
"Gamma Ray Astropyhsics", NASA SP-339, Washington, 1973.
72. K. Herterich, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel and M. Sommer
On the Measurement of the Diffuse Cosmic Gamma Radiation in the 30-50 MeV Range.
13th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Denver, Colorado, Conf. Papers, 1, 21, 1973.
73. W. Voges, K. Pinkau, Y. Koechlin, J.P. Leray, G. Boella, G. Sironi, M. Turner
First Results on Gamma Ray Observation from the ESRO TD-1A Satel¬lite.
13th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Denver, Colorado, Conf. Papers, 1, 293, 1973.
74. K. Pinkau
Merkwürdige Objekte der Röntgen- und Gamma-Astronomie.
Physik 1973, Plenarvorträge, 10, 33, Physik Verlag, Weinheim, 1973.
75. K. Pinkau
X-Rays and Gamma Rays.
13th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Denver, Colorado, Conf. Papers, 5, 3501, 1973.
76. K. Pinkau (Ed.)
Interstellar Medium.
Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series. C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 6,
D. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974.
77. W. Voges and K. Pinkau
The Observation of a Gamma -Ray Burst from the ESRO TD-1A Satel¬lite.
Proc. Conf. on Transient Cosmic Gamma- and X-Ray Sources, Los Ala¬mos, 49, 1974.
78. K. Pinkau
Wie sterben die Sterne?
Mitt. Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, 29, S.18, 1974.
79. K. Pinkau
Merkwürdige Objekte der Röntgen- und Gammaastronomie.
Jahrbuch 1973 der DGLR, Köln, 1974.
80. K. Pinkau
Gamma -Ray Observations of the Sky from the TD-1 Satellite.
Proc. 9th ESLAB Symp. Frascati, ESRO SP-106, 1974.
81. K. Pinkau
Wie sterben die Sterne?
Sterne und Weltraum, 1, S. 4, 1975.
82. K. Pinkau
Observation of Celestial Gamma Rays.
Origin of Cosmic Rays, J.L. Osborne and A.W. Wolfendale (Eds.), D. Reidel, Dordrecht, S. 335, 1975.
83. K. Pinkau
Cosmic Rays and the Dynamics of the Galaxy.
Proc. ESRO Workshop, Frascati, ESRP SP-109, 1975.
84. K. Pinkau
Gamma Ray Astronomy (0.1-1000 MeV).
COSPAR Space Research XV, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1975.
85. Empfehlungen des Gutachterausschusses "Großinvestitionen in der Grundlagenforschung", 1975.
86. K. Pinkau
Der Einsatz des Spacelab für naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagenfor¬schung.
Vulkan-Verlag, Essen, 365, S.27, 1976.
87. K. Pinkau
Kosmische Partikelstrahlung.
Physik und Didaktik, Bayer. Schulbuch-Verlag, München, S. 167, 1976.
88. K. Pinkau
Progress in Extraterrestrial Research through Shuttle and Spacelab.
Utilization of Space Shuttle and Spacelab. DGLR-AAS, Bonn, S. 519, 1976.
89. K. Pinkau
Gamma-Astronomie. Mitt. Astron. Ges., 40, 59, 1976.
90. K. Pinkau
Die Entstehung der Elemente im Kosmos.
Die BASF, 1, 1977 UNIVERSITAS, 12, 1265, 1977.
91. K. Pinkau
Gamma Ray Astronomy.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 137, 1977.
Proc. 15th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Plovdiv, 10, 149, 1977.
92. K. Pinkau
Status of High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy.
Bull. Am. Phys. Soc., 23, No.4, 590, 1978.
93. Recommendations of the Science Advisory Committee on the Development of Space Science in the 1980s, ESA Science Advisory Committee (SAC), 1978.
94. K. Pinkau
Forschungsplanung in einem Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am Beispiel des Instituts für extraterrestrische Physik in Garching,
Konstanzer Blätter für Hochschulfragen, Universitäts-Verlag, Kon¬stanz, 58, Jhg. XVI, 73, 1978.
95. Space Science in Europe, European Science Foundation, 1979.
96. K. Pinkau
Present Status of -ray Astronomy.
Nature, 277, No.5691, 17, 1979.
97. K. Pinkau
The Sky in the Light of Gamma Rays.
(COSPAR) X-Ray Astronomy, Eds. W.A. Baity and L.E. Peterson, Per¬gamon Press, Oxford and New York, S. 523, 1979.
98. B. Aschenbach and K. Pinkau (Eds.)
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Astronomy in the 1980s
99. K. Pinkau
Compton-Scattering Model for the -Ray Emission of NGC 4151.
Proc. 16th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Kyoto, 1, 165, 1979.
MPI-PAE/Extraterr. 159, 1979.
100. K. Pinkau
Die Bedeutung der langfristigen Planung bei der ESA für die Welt¬raumforschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Verhandl. DPG (VI), 14, 1076, 1979.
101. K. Pinkau
Weltall - Der Aufbau des Kosmos.
Forum heute. Bibl. Inst. Mannheim, Bd. 2, S. 185, 1979.
102. J.M.Ryan, E.L. Chupp, D.J. Forrest, M.L. Cherry, I.U. Gleske, E. Rieger, G. Kanbach, K. Pinkau, C. Reppin ,G. Share, R.L. Kinzer, , W.N. Johnson, J.D. Kurfess ;The Gamma-Ray Spectrometer for the Solar Maximum Mission,. In Proc. 16th International Cosmic Ray Conf., Kyoto, Japan, August 1979, Vol. SP, p. 3-1
103. Empfehlungen zur Forschung und zum Mitteleinsatz in den Hoch¬schulen, Wissenschaftsrat, 1979.
103a Empfehlungen zur Errichtung eines Polarforschungsinstitutes
103b Empfehlungen zur Forschung und zum Mitteleinsatz in den Hochschulen
104. E.B. Hughes, R. Hofstadter, A. Johansson, J. Rolfe, D.L Bertsch, W.J. Cruickshank, C.H. Ehrmann, C.E. Fichtel, R.C. Hartman, D.A. Kniffen, R.W. Ross, D.J. Thompson, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, M. Sommer, H. Mayer-Hasselwander, A. Favale and E. Schneid.
Characteristics of the Telescope for High Energy -Ray Astronomy Selected for Definition Studies on the Gamma Ray Observatory
NASA Technical Memorandum 80590, October 1979, Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-27, 364 (1980).
105. K. Pinkau
Die Bedeutung der langfristigen Planung bei der ESA für die Welt¬raumforschung in der Bundesrepublik.
Mitt. Astron. Ges. 47, 219 (1980).
106. K. Pinkau
Compton-Scattering Model for the - Ray Emission of NGC 4151.
Astron. Astrophys. 87, 192, (1980).
107. K. Pinkau
Localized Sources of High-Energy Gamma Rays.
Ninth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics.
Eds. J. Ehlers, J.J. Perry, M. Walker, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 336, 234, 1980.
108. H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, K. Bennett, G.F. Bignami, R. Buccheri, N. D´Amico, W. Hermsen, G. Kanbach, F. Lebrun, G.G. Lichti, J.L. Mas¬nou, J.A. Paul, K. Pinkau, L. Scarsi, B.N. Swanenburg and R.D. Wills
COS-B Observation of the Milky Way in High-Energy Gamma Rays.
Ninth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Eds. J. Ehlers, J.J. Perry, M. Walker, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 336, 211, 1980.
109. D.J. Forrest, E.L. Chupp, J.M. Ryan, M.L. Cherry, I.U. Gleske, C. Reppin, K. Pinkau, E. Rieger, G. Kanbach, R.L. Kinzer, G. Share, W.N. Johnson, J.D. Kurfess
The Gamma Ray Spectrometer for the Solar Maximum Mission.
Solar Physics, 65, 15 (1980). D. Reidel Bib l. Dordrecht
110. K. Pinkau
Gamma Ray Astronomy.
7th Europ. Cosmic Ray Symp., Leningrad, Sept. 1980.
"Cosmic Rays" at V.A. Dargachev and D.B. Kocharov.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, 80, S. 158.
111. J.M. Ryan, D.J. Forrest, E.L. Chupp, M.L. Cherry, C. Reppin, E. Rieger, K. Pinkau, G. Kanbach, G.H. Share, R.L. Kinzer, M.S. Strickman, W.N. Johnson, J.D. Kurfess
Observations with the SMM Gamma-Ray Spectrometer: The impulsive solar flares of 1980 March 29.
Astrophys. J. Lett. Vol. 244, L175,1981, March 15,
112. E.L. Chupp, D.J. Forrest, J.M. Ryan, M.L. Cherry, C. Reppin, G. Kanbach, E. Rieger, K. Pinkau, G.H. Share, R.L. Kinzer, M.S. Strickman, W.N. Johnson, J.D. Kurfess
Observation of the 2.223 MeV Gamma-Ray Line on the SMM Satellite - The Event of 1980 June 7.
The Astrophys. J., 244: L171-L174, 1981 March 15.
113. Empfehlungen des Gutachterausschusses "Großprojekte der Grundla¬genforschung", (Berufen vom Bundesminister f. Forschung und Technologie, 1981.
114. H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, K. Bennett, G.F. Bignami, R. Buccheri, P.A. Caraveo, W. Hermsen, G. Kanbach, F. Lebrun, G.G. Lichti, J.L. Mas¬nou, J.A. Paul, K. Pinkau, B. Sacco, L. Scarsi, B.N. Swanenburg, R.D. Wills
Large-Scale Distribution of Galactic Gamma Radiation Observed by COS-B.
Astron. Astrophys. 105, 164-175 (1982), May 15, 1982.
115. D.J. Forrest, E.L. Chupp, J.M. Ryan, C. Reppin, E. Rieger, G. Kanbach, K. Pinkau, G. Share, G. Kinzer
Evidence for Impulsive Ion Acceleration During the 0312 UT Flare of 1980 June 7.
Proc. of the 17th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Paris, 10, 5, (1981).
116. K. Pinkau, U. Schumacher
Fusionsforschung mit magnetischem Plasmaeinschluß.
Atomwirtschaft-Atomtechnik, 27, 131, (1982).
117. E.L. Chupp, D.J. Forrest, J.M. Ryan, J. Heslin, C. Reppin, K. Pinkau, G. Kanbach, E. Rieger, G.H. Share
A Direct Observation of Solar Neutrons Following the 0118 UT Flare on 1980 June 21.Astrophys. J. Lett., Vol. 263, No. 2, Part 2, L95 (1982).
118. K. Pinkau
Vorschlag einer Neutronendiagnostik für Fusionsplasmen.
Z. f. Naturforsch., 37a, 741-743, 1982.
119. K. Pinkau, U. Schumacher
Kernfusion mit magnetisch eingeschlossenen Plasmen.
Phys. in unserer Zeit, Vol. 13,Heft 5, 1982.
120. K. Pinkau
Stand und Aussichten der Kernfusion.
Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte, 1982.
121. C.E. Fichtel, D. Bertsch, R. Hartman, D. Kniffen, D. Thompson, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, K. Pinkau, G. Kanbach, M.A. Mayer-Has¬selwander, H. Rothermel, M. Sommer
The Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on the Gamma Ray Observatory.
Spring Meeting of the American Phys. Soc., April 18-21, 1983.
122. C.E. Fichtel, D.L. Bertsch, R.C. Hartman, D.A. Kniffen, D.J. Thomp¬son, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, L.E. Campbell-Finman, K. Pinkau, H. Mayer-Hasselwander, G. Kanbach, H. Rothermel, M. Sommer
EGRET: The high Energy Gamma Ray Telescope for NASA´s Gamma Ray Observatory, Paper Code No. T1-10, 1983.
123. K. Pinkau
Verantwortlichkeit identifizierbar machen!
Phys. Bl. 39 (1983) Nr. 3
124. Empfehlungen des Gutachterausschusses "Weltraumforschung/Weltraumtechnik", 1984.
125. K. Pinkau
Stand und Aussichten der Kernfusion mit magnetischem Einschluß.
Westdeutscher Verlag 1984, N 327.
126. K. Pinkau
Kontrollierte Kernfusion - Stand und Aussichten.
FOCUS MHL, 2. Jahrgang, Heft 3, Juli 1985, S. 180.
127. K. Pinkau
Setting Priorities in Big Science.
Proceedung of the ESRC/NSF Symposium "Rise and Fall of a Priority Field", Paris, 1985.
128. K. Pinkau
Co-operation and Competition in Science and Advanced Technology.
6th Parliamentary and Scientific Conference, Tokyo/Tsukuba, 3-6 June 1985, Doc. 5450 Annex, October 1985, S. 219.
129. Denkschrift für die Gründung einer Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1985.
130. Empfehlungen des Sachverständigenkreises für "Neutronenquellen für die Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland", 1986.
130a. Thompson, D.J. , Bertsch, D.L., Favale, A., Fichtel, C.E., Hartman, R.C. Hofstadter, R., Hughes, E.B., Hunter, S.D., Hughlock, B.W., Kanbach, G., Kniffen, D.A., Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R., Mayer-Hasselwander, H., Nolan, P.L., Pinkau, K., Rothermel, H., Schneid, E., Sommer, M., and Walker, A.H.
131. K. Pinkau
Kann die Kernfusion langfristig ein Ausweg sein?
Bankhaus Reuschel & Co. München, 18. März 1987.
132. K. Pinkau
Was erwarten die Wissenschaftler von den Politikern und der Öffent¬lichkeit?
Pharm. Ind., Band 49, 8/1987.
133. K. Pinkau
Technologiefolgenabschätzung - Auftrag und Probleme.
Siemens, 5/87.
134. K. Pinkau
Nunmehr gibt es sie, die Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
Jahrbuch der Berliner Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 1987.
134a Ansprache anläßlich der Übergabe der Denkschrift für die Gründung einer Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Jahrbuch Akademie der Wissenschaften 1987, S. 193-199
135. K. Pinkau
Der entfesselte Prometheus? Wissenschaft und Technik im Span¬nungsfeld von Politik und Öffentlichkeit.
Allgem. Vermessungsnachrichten, 1/88.
136. K. Pinkau
Technology Assessment in Perspective.
Siemens, Vol. 55, 1/88.
137. K. Pinkau
Evaluación de las consecuencias de la tecnología: Objetivos y proble¬mas, Siemens, 2/88.
138. G. Kanbach, D.L. Bertsch, A. Favale, C.E. Fichtel, R.C. Hartman, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, S.D. Hunter, B.W. Hughlock, D.A. Kniffen, Y.C. Lin, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, P.L. Nolan, K. Pinkau, H. Roth¬ermel, E. Schneid, M. Sommer, D.J. Thompson
The Project EGRET (Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope) on NASA´s Gamma -Ray Observatory GRO.
Proceedings of the Workshop "Actual Problems of Gamma Ray Astronomy in the Light of the Planned Experiments".
Odessa, May, 4-8, 1987.
Space Science Reviews March 12, 1988.
139. K. Pinkau
Technologiefolgenabschätzung - Auftrag und Probleme.
Jahrbuch Elektrotechnik 1989, Band 8.
vde-Verlag 1988, 33.
140. K. Pinkau, U. Schumacher und G.H. Wolf
Fortschritte der Fusionsforschung mit magnetischem Plasmaein¬schluß.
Phys. Bl. 45 Nr. 2, 41-68, (1989),
141. K. Pinkau
Ansprache anläßlich der Übergabe der Denkschrift für die Gründung einer Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1987.
Walter de Gruyter Berlin - New York 1988.
142. K. Pinkau
Kernfusion - Grundlagenforschung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftli¬cher Erwartungen.
Tagesdokumentation der AGF Jahrestagung 1988, 27, 1988.
143. G. Kanbach, D.L. Bertsch, A. Favale, C.E. Fichtel, R.C. Hartman, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, S.D. Hunter, B.W. Hughlock, D.A. Kniffen, Y.C. Lin, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, P.L. Nolan, K. Pinkau, H. Roth¬ermel, E. Schneid, M. Sommer, D.J. Thompson
The Project EGRET (Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope) on NASA?s Gamma-Ray Observatory GRO.
Space Science Review 49 (1988), 69 - 84.
144. "Space Science in the Twenty-First Century: Imperatives for the Decades 1995 to 2015"
Overview, ISBN 0-309-03838-3
Astronomy and Astrophysics, ISBN 0-309-03875-8
National Academy Press, 1988
145. G. Kanbach, D.L. Bertsch, A. Favale, C.E. Fichtel, R.C. Hartman, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, S.D. Hunter, B.W. Hughlock, D.A. Kniffen, Y.C. Lin, J.R. Mattox, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, C.v. Montigny, P.L. Nolan, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, E. Schneid, M. Sommer, D.J. Thompson, A.H. Walker
"The EGRET Instrument"
Gamma Ray Observatory Science Workshop, 10 - 12 April 1989
146. C.E. Fichtel, D.L. Bertsch, R.C. Hartman, R. Hofstadter, E.B. Hughes, B.W. Hughlock, S.D. Hunter, G. Kanbach, D.A. Kniffen, Y.C. Lin, H. Mayer-Hasselwander, P.L. Nolan, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, E. Schneid, M. Sommer, D.J. Thompson, and C.v. Montigny "High Energy Gamma Ray Astrophysics and what EGRET might con¬tritbute"
Proceedings GRO-Workshop, GSFC, April 1989
147. D. Bertsch, C. Fichtel, R. Hartman, R. Hofstadter, E. Hughes, B. Hughlock, S. Hunter, G. Kanbach, D. Kniffen, N. Laubenthal, J. Mat¬tox, H. Mayer-Hasselwander, C.v. Montigny, K. Pinkau, P. Nolan, E. Schneid, D. Thompson, Y. Lin
"The EGRET Data Analysis System", 1989
148. K. Pinkau et al.
Memorandum eines vom Bundesminister für Forschung und Technolo¬gie berufenen Sachverständigenausschusses zu
"Grundsatzfragen und Programmperspektiven der Technikfolgenab¬schätzung", Juni 1989
149. K. Pinkau
Kernfusion - Grundlagenforschung im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftli¬cher Erwartungen
Festvortrag, gehalten am 30.11.1988 anläßlich der Jahresversamm¬lung der Arbeitsgemein-schaft der Großforschungseinrichtungen in München, "Leben ohne Risiko?"
Verlag TÜV Rheinland GmbH, Köln 1989, ISBN 3-88585-674-3
150. K. Pinkau
"Folgenabschätzung der Technik"
Technik und Bildung, Königsteiner Forum, E. J. M. Kroker, B. De¬champs, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, Wirtschaftsbücher, ISBN 3-924875-43-X, S. 153, 1989
151. K. Pinkau
Present Status of Fusion Research and Large International Facilities
Proceedings of the IV EPS Seminar on International Research Facilities, March 17 - 19, 1989, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, European Physical Society, Ruder Boskovic Institute, Institute of Research and Development of Safety, Zagreb, S. 275, 1989
151a K. Pinkau, "Science and Politics" XIIIth International Congress of
Historyof Science" Hamburg-Munich 1989, Sudhoffs Archiv Beihefte 30
152. G. Zankl, K. Pinkau
"Auf dem Weg zum Fusionsreaktor" (1990): in: Wissenschaft und Tech¬nik in Europa (Scientific Europe), Foundation Scientific Europe (Hrsg.), Spektrum der Wissenschaft Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Heidel¬berg, S. 230, 1991
152a K. Pinkau Jahresbericht Studienstiftung 1991 S. 41
153. K. Pinkau
"Energie ist die Währung der Zukunft."
Essener Hochschulblätter, Universität-Gesamthochschule Essen, 1991
154. K. Pinkau
"Wissenschaft und Politik: Umweltstandards als spezieller Fall der Technikfol-genabschätzung"
Einheit der Wissenschaften, Internationales Kolloquium der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Bonn, 25. - 27. Juni 1990, S. 429-440, 1991
155. K. Pinkau
"Wissensfolgenabschätzung - wie genau können oder dürfen wir unsere Zukunft planen?"
Festvortrag anläßlich der Jahrestagung der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 1991.
156. K. Pinkau
"Wissenschaft und Politik: Umweltstandards als spezieller Fall der Technikfolgenab-schätzung"
Einheit der Wissenschaften, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Forschungsbericht 4, 429, 1991
157. J. Diekmann, A. Gierer, H.-J. Krupp, K. Pinkau, H.-J. Queisser, F.P. Schä¬fer, H. Schaefer, K. Stephan, D. Weiß, H.T. Witt
"Sonnenenergie", Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, For¬schungsbericht 1, 1992
158. K. Pinkau
Fusionsforschung - Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven"
RWE Energie, Tagungsbericht, ISBN 3-89355-060-7, 91, 1992
159. K. Pinkau, K. Decker, C.F. Gethmann, H.W. Levi, J. Mittelstraß, S. Peyerimhoff, G. zu Putlitz, A. Randelzhofer, O. Renn, C. Streffer, F.E. Weinert
"Umweltstandards - Grundlagen, Tatsachen und Bewertungen am Beispiel des Strahlenrisikos"
Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Forschungsbericht 2, 1992
160. Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J.; Montigny, C. von: Search for periodic gamma-ray emission from Cygnus X-3 by the EGRET telescope on the Compton Gamma-Ray Ob¬servatory. 1992. - In: Ap.J., 401, pp. 724-727
161. Kniffen, D.A.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel; C.E., Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Mattox, J.R.; Thompson, D.J.; Brazier, K.T.S.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, C. von; Pinkau, K.; Chiang, J.; Fierro, J.M.; Lin, Y.C.; Michelson, P.F.; Nolan, P.L.; Schneid, E.; Nel, H.I.; Taylor, J.; Bailes, M.; Johnston, S.; Manchester, R.N.; Lyne, A.G.; d´Amico, N.; and Nicastro, L.: EGRET Observations of Pulsars. 1992. - In: AIP Press 280, New York, 177
161a Thompson,D.J.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Fierro, J.M.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter; S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; von Montigny, C.; Nel, H.I.; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.,; Spreekumar, P. and Timing Analysis of EGRET/CGRO Data David J. Thompson: Preliminary EGRET High Energy Gamma Ray Obervations of the Crab Pulsar. 92-014 Proceedings of Workshop on Physics of Isolated Pulsars
162. Mattox, J.R.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J.; Kwok, P.W.; Brazier, K.; Halaczek, T.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, D. von; Pinkau, K.; Radecke, H.D.; Rothermel, H.; Sommer, M.; Fierro, J.; Lin, Y.C.; Michelson, P.F.; Nolan, P.L.; Chiang, J.; Kniffen, D.A.; and Schneid, E.: EGRET Observation of the Constellation of Cygnus. 1992. - In: AIP Press 280, New York, 365
163. Fichtel, G.E.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G, Kniffen, D.A., Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C., Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson, P.F., von Montigny, C., Nolan, P.L., Pinkau, K.; Rothermel,H., Schneid, E.J., Sommer, M., Sreekumar, P., and Thompson D.J.: High Energy Gamma-Ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei Observed by the Energetic Gamma-Ray Telescope Experiment (EGRET). - In: AIP Press 280, New York, 461
164. Fichtel, C.E.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kwok, P.W.; Mattox, J.R.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Nolan, P.L.; Michelson, P.F.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, C. von; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Sommer, M. and Schneid, E.J.: ENERGETIC GAMMA RAY EXPERIMENT TELESCOPE CONTRIUBUTIONS TO THE COMPTON OBSERVATORY SYMPOSIUM, by EGRET Gamma Ray Observatory, In: AIP 93-14
165. Fichtel, C.E.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kwok, P.W.; Mattox, J.R.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Nolan, P.L.; Michelson, P.F.; Kanbach, G.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, C. von; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Sommer, M. and Schneid, E.J.: Preliminary EGRET Source Cata¬log. 1992. - In: AIP Press 280, New York, 1194
166. Hartman, R.C.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Has¬selwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.;Nel, H.I., Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P.,Thompson, D.J.:and Montigny C.von: Detection of High-Energy Gamma Radiation from Quasar 3C 279 by the EGRET Telescope on the Gamma Ray Observatory. ApJ. Letters, 385, L1-L4, 1992
167. Schneid, E.J.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Michelson, P.F. Montigny, C.von, Nolan, P.L., Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P. and Thompson, D.J.: EGRET Detection of High Energy Gamma Rays from the 1991 May 3, Gamma Ray Burst , A&A, 5.12.1991
168. Bertsch, D.L.; Brazier, K.T.S., Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, C. von Michelson, P.F.; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P.; and Thompson, D.J.: Pulsed High-energy g-radiation from Geminga (1E0630+178). Nature, Vol. 357, 306,1992,
169. Thompson, D.J.; Arzoumanian, Z.; Bertsch, D.L., Brazier, K.T.S.; D'Amico, N.; Fichtel, C.E.; Fierro, J.M.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Johnston, S.; Kanbach, G.; Kaspi, V.M.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Lyne, A.G.; Manchester, R.,N.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nel, H.I.; Nice, D.; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Taylor, J.H.: Pulsed High Energy rays from the radio pulsar PSR 1706-44 (2CG342-02), Nature, 359, 615,1992,
170. Nolan, P.L.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hofstadter, R.; Hughes, E.B.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Performance of the EGRET Astronomical Gamma Ray Telescope. 1992. IEEE Transactions Nucl. Sci., 39, 993-996
171. Sreekumar, P.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.;Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.;Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Thompson, D.J.: Observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud in High-Energy Gamma Rays. 1992. ApJ Letters, 400, L67-L70
172. Michelson, P.F.; Bertsch, D.L.; Chiang, J.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A., Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Search for Periodic Gamma-Ray Emission from Cygnus X-3 by the EGRET Telescope on the Compton Gamma- Ray Observatory. 1992. ApJ, 401, 724-747
173. Lin, Y.C.; Bertsch, D.L.; Chiang, J.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Detection of High Energy Gamma Ray Emission from the BL Lac Object MKN 421 by the EGRET Telescope on the Compton Observatory. 1992, ApJ, 401, L61-L64
174. Pinkau, K.: Energie war die Währung der Vergangenheit, Energie ist die Währung der Zukunft - was können und wollen wir uns dafür kaufen? - In: Fortschritt und Gesellschaft. Hrsg.: E.-L. Winnacker, Stuttgart: Hinzel 1993, S. 71 (Ed. Universitas)
175. Pinkau, K.: Fusionsforschung: Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven. - In: Freib. 120 (1993) S. 69-82
176. Fichtel, C.E.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Hartmann, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P.; Thompson, D.J.: Results from the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on the Compton Observatory. 1993. Adv. Space Res., Vol. 13, No. 12, 637-646
177. Sreekumar, P.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Schneid, E.J., and Thompson, D.J.: Constraints on the Cosmic Rays in the Small Magellanic Cloud. 1993. Physical Review Letters, Vol. 70, No. 2, 127
178. Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: De¬tection of Gamma Ray Emission from the Quasar PKS 0208-512. 1993, ApJ, 405, L-21-L24
179. Fichtel, C.E.; Bertsch, D.L.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Has¬selwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L., Pin¬kau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., Thompson, D.J.: Overview of First Results from EGRET. 1993. A&A Suppl., Ser. 97, 13-16
180. Montigny, C. von; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thomp¬son, D.J.: EGRET observations of 3C 273. 1993, A&A Suppl., Ser 97, 101-103
181. Kanbach, G.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Detection of a long-duration solar gamma-ray flare on June 11, 1991 with EGRET on COMPTON-GRO. 1993, A&A Suppl., 349-353
182. Hartman, R.C.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Piner, B.G.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: EGRET De¬tection of High-Energy Gamma Radiation from the OVV Quasar 3C 454.3, 1993, ApJ, 407, L41-L44
183. Hunter, S.D.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Moller, P.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Radecke, H.-D.; Rothermel, H.; Shaver, P.; Schneid, E.J.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Detection of High-Energy Gamma Rays from Quasar PKS 0528+134 by EGRET on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. 1993, ApJ. 409, 134-138
183a Mayer-Hasselwander, D.L. Bertsch, K.T.S. Brazier, J. Chiang, C.E. Fichtel, J.M. Fierro, R.C. Hartman, S.D. Hunter, G. Kanbach, P.W. Kwok, D.A. Kniffen, Y.C. Lin, J. R. Mattox, P. F. Michelson, C. von Montigny, P.L. Nolan, K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, E.J. Schneid, M. Sommer, P. Spreekumar, D.J. Thompson: High-Energy Gamma-Radiation from Geminga observed by EGRET MPE-Preprint 265, September 1993
184. Nolan, P.L.; Arzoumainian, Z.; Bertsch, D.L.; Chiang, J.; Fichtel, C.E.; Fierro, J.M.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Mi¬chelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nel, H.I.; Nice, D.; Pinkau, K.; Roth¬ermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Observations of the Crab Pulsar and Nebula by the EGRET Telescope on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. 1993, ApJ. 409, 697-704
185. Thompson, D.J.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C., Hofstadter, R.; Hughes, E.B.; Hunter, S.D.; Hughlock, B.W.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Rothermel, H.; Schneid, E.; Sommer, M.; Sreekumar, P.; Tieger, D., and Walker, A.H.: Calibration of the Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) for the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. 1993, ApJ suppl Ser. 86, 629-656
186. Thompson, D.J.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Schneid, E.J.; Sreekumar, P.: Gamma Radiation from Blazar PKS 0537-441. 1993, ApJ 410, 87-89
187. Hunter, S.D.; Bertsch, D.L.; Dingus, B.L. Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C. Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A. Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P., and Thompson, D.J.: Detection of high energy gamma rays from BL Lac PKS 0235+164 by the EGRET telescope on the Compton observatory. 1993, A&A, 272, 59-62
188. Mattox, J.R.; Bertsch, D.L.; Chiang, J.; Dingus, B.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar, P., and Thomp¬son, D.J.: The EGRET Detection of Quasar 1633+382. 1993, ApJ, 410, 609-614
189. Kniffen, D.A.; Bertsch, D.L.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Kanbach, G.; Kwok, P.W.; Lin, Y.C.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Has¬selwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny,
C. von, Nolan, P.L.; Pinkau, K.; Schneid, E.; Sreekumar P.,Thompson, D.J.:
Time Variability in the Gamma-Ray Emission of 3C 279. 1993, ApJ, 411, 133-136
190. Fierro, J.M.; Bertsch, D.L.; Brazier, K.T.; Chiang, J.; D´Amico, N.; Fichtel, C.E.; Hartman, R.C.; Hunter, S.D.; Johnston, S.; Kanbach, G.; Kaspi, V.M.; Kniffen, D.A.; Lin, Y.C.; Lyne, A.G.; Manchester, R.N.; Mattox, J.R.; Mayer-Hasselwander, H.A.; Michelson, P.F.; Montigny, C. von; Nolan, P.L.; Schneid, E.; Thompson, D.J.: Pulsed High-Energy Gamma rays from PSR 1055-52. 1993, APJ, 413, L27-L30
191. C.E. Fichtel, D.L. Bertsch, J. Chiang, B.L. Dingus, J.A. Esposito, J.M. Fierro,
R.C. Hartman, S.D. Hunter, G. Kanbach, D.A. Kniffen, P.W. Kwok, Y.C. Lin, J.R. Mattox, H.A. Mayer-Hasselwander, L. McDonald, P.F. Michelson, C. von Montigny, P.L. Nolan,
K. Pinkau, H. Rothermel, P. Sreekumar, M. Sommer, E.J. Schneid, D.J. Thompson, and
T. Willis, "The First Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) Source Catalog"
NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement
191a. Pinkau, K. Vorbehalte gegenüber der Technik? zur debatte, Themen der Katholischen Akademie in Bayern, 23. Jahrgang, Nummer 6 , B 215 75F München November/Dezember 1993
192. Pinkau, K.: Experimente mit dem Sternenfeuer: Option für die Ener¬gieversorgung von morgen. AGF-Forschungsthemen 7, 9-11 (1994)
193. Pinkau, K.: Fusionsforschung - Stand der Forschung und Perspektiven in: Spannungsfeld Energie - Probleme und Perspektiven, Hans Mohr (Hg.), 121-151, Rombach GmbH Druck- und Verlagshaus, 1995
194. Pinkau, K. Welche Ziele soll sich die Forschung stecken, und welche Wege soll sie beschreiten, um sich angemessene Freiräume zu sichern? - Der schrumpfende Freiraum der Forschung, Symposium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Schloß Ringberg, Berichte und Mitteilungen Heft 1/95
ISSN 0341-7778
195. Pinkau, K.: The role of the Associations in the European fusion programme - Reprinted from Fusion Engieneering and Design 30 (1995), Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
196. Pinkau, K.: Forschungsfreiheit und Forschungspflicht - Experimente mit der Natur: Wissenschaft und Verantwortung: Interdisziplinäres Forum/Ernst-Ludwig Winnacker, Herg. und eingel. von Venanz Schubert (Wissenschaft und Philosophie: Bd. 11)
ISBN 3-88096-361-4
197. Pinkau, K.: The early days of gamma-ray astronomy, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Series, Special Issue, Third compton Symposium, Vol. 120, No. 4, December III 1996 p.43, ISSN 0365-0138
198. Pinkau, K.: Berlin Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jahrbuch 1995, Akademie-Verlag
199. Pinkau, K.: Das Energieproblem - Eine unbewältigte Gefahr (Akademievorlesung am 18. Mai 1995) Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berichte und Abhandlungen, Akademie-Verlag Band 2, 285-308, 1996 ISBN 3-05-002958-7
200. Pinkau, K.: Erkenntnis und Fortschritt für den Forscher und für das Gemeinwesen (Vortrag 20.11.95 Konferenz der Deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften, Hrsg. Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften) Sonderdruck, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, ISBN 3-8053-1885-5
201 Pinkau, K.: Stahlberg, Ch.: Technologiepolitik in demokratischen Gesellschaften, Eine Publikation der Karl Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung, Edition UNIVERSITAS, S. Hirzel, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, ISBN 3-8047-1473-0
202 Pinkau, K.: Energie aus Kernfusion, atw 42.Jg.(1997) Heft 3, Internationale Zeitschrift für Kernenergie, 3/1997, ISSN 143-5254AWAKAG:42(3)145-216
203. Pinkau, K. Internationale Großprojekte, ihre Begründung, Entstehung, Arbeitsweise und ihre Auswirkungen, Symposium der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Schloß Ringberg/Tegernsee, Berichte und Mitteilungen MPG 1/97
204. Pinkau, K.: Stand und Perspektiven der Fusionsforschung, Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte, 119. Versammlung, 21. bis 24. September 1996 Regensburg, Koordinaten der menschlichen Zukunft: Energie - Materie - Information - Zeit, S.125-139, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart, ISBN 3-80471525-7
204a. Pinkau, K.: Stand und Perspektiven der Fusionsforschung
60. Physiker-Tagung in Jena, Energie und Zukunft, Zukunftsweisende Methoden der Energienutzung vom Passivhaus bis zur Fusion, Hrsg. W. Nahm und K. Schultze, Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG-GmbH, 183-227, (1996)
205. Pinkau, K.: Die offene Gesellschaft und ihre Wissenschaft
Wissenschaft - Staat - Gesellschaft, Festkolloquium am 21. 2. 1997 anläßlich der Verabschiedung von Herrn Dr. Ernst-Joachim Meusel, Herausgegeben von: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching, 41-49 (1997).
206. Pinkau, K.: Von internationalen Forschungszentren (CERN, ILL, JET) zu multinationalen Einrichtungen . Wünsche an das künftige Wissenschaftssystem, Kolloquium für Dr. jur. Ernst-Joachim Meusel auf Schloß Ringberg vom 26. bis 28. Juni 1997, Herausgegeben von Max-Planck-Institut, für Plasmaphysik, 85748 Garching, 36-41 (1997).
207. Pinkau, K.: Neue Energiequellen: Mit Hilfe von Fusionsforschung aus Meerwasser Strom gewinnen. Impressum: Position 03 Wege im Wandel: Eine Initiative der deutschen Industrie.Juni 1997, Herausgeber BDI, Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie 03, 10-11 (1997).
208. Pinkau, K.: Freiheit der Forschung bei den Zukunftstechnologien
Globalisierung und informationelle Rechtskultur in Europa, Informationelle Teilhabe und weltweite Solidarität, Hrsg. Siegfried Lamnek/Marie-Theres Tinnefeld , 1. Auflage Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlags-Gesellschaft, 1998.
209. Pinkau, K., Renn, O.: Environmental Standards. Scientific Foundations and Rational Procedures of Regulation with Emphasis on Radiological Risk Management. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherland, 1998.
210. Pinkau, K.: Silhouettes: rhetoric and science, European Review, Vol. 6, No. 3, 327-332 (1998) Cambridge University Press.
211. K.Pinkau: The ESA Science Programme - A View From Germany, Proceedings of an International Symposium, The History of the European Space Agency, 135-148, SP-436, (June 1999) Co-sponsored by European Space Agency (ESA) and The Science Museum, London.
212. Pinkau, K., Stahlberg, Ch.: Wie finden Innovationsprozesse stattt?- Forschung im freien Staat. Eine Publikation der Karl Heinz Beckurts-Stiftung, Edition UNIVERSITAS, S. Hirzel, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, S. 5, 43-53 (1999).
213. Pinkau, K., Sadowski, D. (Hrsg.), "Entrepreneurial Spirits", Horst Albach zum 70. Geburtstag. 'Die Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin', Verlag Dr. Th. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2001, S. 291-305.
214. Pinkau, K.: Sicherheit und Verläßlichkeit in der Energietechnik. Technikkultur. Von der Wechselwirkung der Technik mit Wissenschaft., Wirtschaft und Politik, Stiftung Branderburger Tor der Bankgesellschaft Berlin 2000/2001, S.128-140.