Alfried Krupp Fellow Lectures

The focus of the Kolleg’s activities is the Alfried Krupp Fellows Program, which was started in 2007 and in which over 100 visiting scientists have participated. It offers outstanding scientists the possibility to carry out a larger scientific project at the Kolleg far away from their daily academic obligations.
The Fellows are also encouraged to convey their research projects, which can include almost any subject, to early career researchers and participate in the University’s teaching with lectures and seminars. They give interested parties a first impression of their project in their own Fellow Lecture during their stay.
Alumni Fellow Lectures

The former Fellows’ connection to the Kolleg is expressed by the alumni initiative, which helps maintain regular contact with the Kolleg, e.g. with an alumni get-together that traditionally takes place in June and the regular Alumni Fellow Lectures.
- 2019: Professor Dr. Gabriele Lingelbach, Kiel
Lecture title: "Neue Perspektiven auf eine Verflechtungsgeschichte Deutschlands im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert" - 2018: Dr. Eva Asselmann, Berlin
Lecture title: "Welche Rolle spielen genetische Vulnerabilität und stressreiche Lebensereignisse für die Entwicklung von Angststörungen? Ergebnisse der Study of Health in Pomerania" - 2018: Professor em. Dr. Eckart Voland, Gießen
Lecture title: "Die biologische Evolution des Gewissens – Strategien zwischen Egoismus und Gehorsam" - 2017: Professor em. Dr. Hartmut Bobzin, Erlangen
Lecture title: "Heiliger Krieg und Islam" - 2016: Professor em. Dr. Reinhard Merkel, Hamburg
Lecture title: "Interventionen ins Gehirn und das Recht auf mentale Selbstbestimmung" - 2016: Dr. Stefan Sievert, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), Massachussetts
Lecture title: "Leben unterhalb des Meeresbodens!? Neue Einsichten zu Tiefseehydrothermalquellen" - 2015: Professor Dr. Michelle Facos, Indiana University, Bloomington
Lecture title: "Nationalität in der dänischen Kunst des 18. Jahrhunderts" - 2015: Professor Dr. Birgit Recki, Hamburg
Lecture title: "Mensch und Technik. Eine Bestandsaufnahme in der Philosophischen Anthropologie des 20. Jahrhunderts" - 2015: Dr. Anja Reichert-Schick, Trier
Lecture title: "Wüstungen – zur (potentiellen) Renaissance eines historischen Phänomens" - 2014: Professor Dr. William Dodd, Birmingham
Lecture title: "Unquiet Voices and their Legacies: Orientierungsversuch im Dickicht der Inneren Emigration (1933 - 1945)" - 2013: Dr. Martina Roesner, Wien
Lecture title: "Cogito, ergo vivo. Phänomenologische Betrachtungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Wissenschaft und Leben" - 2013: Dr. Stefan Donecker
Lecture title: "Die Erfindung der 'Völkerwanderung'"