Every landscape is shaped by nature, culture and ideas. There are ideas that either nature is threatened by man and his culture and must be protected, or the culture of the land is threatened by nature and must therefore be protected. How can we give resilience to nature and culture?
This will be illustrated by examples from Northern Europe, an area, where not only human influence changed nature. Nature itself changed dramatically; seas and lakes, coastlines, hills and islands came into existence and were destroyed again.
From a cultural point of view, it was attempted to create stable living conditions. Cities were abandoned and rebuilt, waterways silted up, ports had to be rebuilt. It must be asked, which resilience of the landscape we should protect and how we maintain its identity.
Hansjörg Küster studied biology at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim. In 1992 he habilitated at the Faculty of Forestry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. From 1998 he was Professor of Plant Ecology at the Institute of Geobotany at Leibniz University Hanover. Since 2004, he has held the honorary post of President of the Lower Saxony Heritage Society. He has been a book author since 1978 and has written over 500 scientific publications.
Moderation: Professor Dr. Martin Schnittler (Greifswald)