Keynote: Future challenges of AMR - the ongoing pandemic
Thursday, 9th February 2023 | 6 pm

Public evening lecture in the context of the symposium of the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg "Anti-infective Strategies of the Future - Prevention, Diagnostics, Therapy" by Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Lothar H. Wieler (Robert Koch Institute)
Antimicrobials are a basis of innovative medical treatments. However, antimicrobial resistance is an increasing problem in human health, animal health, agriculture, and the environment, the so-called One Health sectors. This accounts for innumerable deaths worldwide every year. Indeed, we have the knowledge and the means to fight AMR effectively. The key is prevention of infections through access to clean water and sanitation, optimized hygiene and good medical diagnostics. In addition, equitable access to antimicrobials worldwide is fundamental, so that people can access the right antimicrobials when they need them. We require strong health systems and effective preventative public health interventions at the local level. Finally, we need integrated surveillance systems, in all One Health sectors, locally, nationally and globally to inform an effective response.
Lothar H. Wieler is President of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, the German government‘s leading scientific-biomedical institution for public health. His research focuses on the „One Health Approach“ with an emphasis on zoonoses, i.e. diseases that are transmitted between animals and humans. The focus is on antibiotic-resistant and multi-resistant bacteria. Lothar H. Wieler is the author of more than 250 scientific publications and has been awarded several scientific prizes. As an honorary professor with teaching duties, he continues to be associated with the Institute for Microbiology and Animal Epidemics at the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Free University of Berlin.
Moderation: Professor Dr. Ansgar W. Lohse