Dr. Weronika Suchacka
Alfried Krupp Junior Fellow
(Oktober 2014 - September 2015)
- Born in 1983 in Słubice, Poland
- English Philology at the University of Szczecin; British and North American Studies at the University of Greifswald
- Lecturer in the English Department at the University of Szczecin
Fellow-Projekt: "Queer Identity in Ukrainian-Canadian and Ukrainian Literatur"
The discussion of queer identity has been present in academic discourse for a considerable time, and while the body of scholarly work on this subject continues to grow, new perspectives on this field of study are also introduced by literary works. Among the examples of literature concerned with queer identity is Ukrainian-Canadian literature, which, however, still remains largely outside of scholarly research and interest in both Europe and Canada. The same refers to the topic of queer identity presented in this writing as its analysis has also been neglected by critics. Thus, my project will be devoted to the study of queer identity as discussed in the works of Marusya Bociurkiw, who is, so far, the only Ukrainian-Canadian writer publishing works that concern this aspect. Moreover, my analysis of Bociurkiw’s queer writings will be included within a comparative study that will also cover an example of Ukrainian queer literature, so that a wider view on the idea of queer identity, as presented from both European and North American literary perspectives, is given.