Connecting the dots: Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics highlight immune cell states and interactions in the porcine intestine


The intestinal tract is a mix of cells, including immune cells that balance tolerance and activation. Single-cell RNA-sequencing identified > 20 immune cell types in the porcine intestine, in addition to > 10 enterocyte populations. Spatial transcriptomics aided in identification of gene expression in a tissue region, including cycling B cell presence in porcine ileal Peyer’s patch follicles, but not the crypt or villus. Cell function is best delineated at high resolution, though limitations exist. 

Dr. Loving is a swine immunologist leading a research program focused on enhancing disease resilience and limiting colonization by foodborne pathogens. She uses cutting-edge approaches to characterize novel cell types in the intestine and interrogate intestinal immunity under different conditions.

Moderation: Professorin Dr. Anca Dorhoi

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