For over 50 years the development of electronics was described by empirical law which predicts the doubling of the number of transistors in integrated circuits every two years. This tendency of unconstrained growth, called Moore’s law, must hit the limits which result from technological and physical constrains. Therefore, there is a need to look for alternatives for electronic based devices which work on different physical principles. The wave based signal processing is one the possibilities which can overcome the bottlenecks of development of conventional electronic devices and computers.
The information in commuter systems is processed nowadays using electronic current and voltage whereas the data storage is done with the aid of magnetic systems. A possibility to unify the data processing and storage is the usage of spin currents or spin waves as a carrier of information. The lecture will outline the prospect of the new field: magnonics which use magnetic waves (called spin waves) for transmitting, routing and processing of information. The spin waves are the waves of oscillating (precessing) magnetic moments which exhibit unusual behaviors.
The spin waves are the waves of oscillating (precessing) magnetic moments which exhibits unusual, for other kind of waves, behaviors. The spin wave propagation can be highly anisotropic and nonreciprocal. This properties can be controlled by external bias. The operating frequencies (and the wavelengths) for spin waves are in the ranges from few GHz to few hundreds of GHz (and from the fractions of micrometers to single nanometers). The mentioned features make the spin waves competitive to the other kind of waves (e.g. optical waves) for wave based signal processing.
Jarosław Kłos was born in 1975 in Poznań, Poland. He studied physics at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, where he is today an assistant professor. From October 2017 till September 2018 Jarosław Kłos is a Senior Fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald.
Moderation: Professor Dr. Markus Münzenberg