Inclusive Ukrainian Studies: Thinking About New Approaches

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag

The Euromaidan, Russian annexation of Crimea, and the ongoing war in Donbas placed Ukraine, its relations with Russia, its internal divisions and identifications in the centre of the world’s attention. In the international academic and media discourse Ukraine is often portrayed as just a battlefield between the “Russian world” and the “West”. Such description that deprives Ukraine of its historical subjectivity and current agency is very much based on a poor level of Ukrainian and broadly, East European, studies. In my talk I would like to focus on the inclusive potential of Ukrainian studies in Germany, and its international relevance for post- colonial studies, global history, current debates on hybridity and violence.
Dr. Andriy Portnov, historian, graduated from Dnipropetrovsk and Warsaw Universities, Editor of web-portal, Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and Guest Professor at the Humboldt University Berlin. The author of five books (the last one, Histories for Domestic Use [Історії для домашнього вжитку], was published in 2013 in Kyiv and received Yuri Shevelov Prize) and numerous articles on the intellectual history, historiography and memory studies in modern Eastern and Central Europe. Currently writes the biography of the city of Dnipropetrovsk.
Moderation: Professor Dr. Alexander Wöll

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