'I've always been free': Women and communist totality in Czechoslovakia

Öffentlicher Vortrag,Filmvorführung

The aim of the lecture is the introduction of three life stories in the context of Czechoslovak history from the 1950s to the 1980s. Three women who struggled with communist totality represent initial enthusiasm and disillusion, lifelong resistance and resignation. They illustrate the change of struggle between persecuted people and state power through decades.

Jan Černík received his Ph. D. in theory and history of literature, theatre and film. He focused on culture politics in the 1950s in Czechoslovakia. Currently he works at Social Health Institute at Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic), where he is exploring political persecutions during the 1970s and the 1980s in Czechoslovakia.

anschließend Filmvorführung:
Regie: Miroslav Janek
(CZW 2014, 84 Minuten, Tschechisch mit englischen Untertiteln)

Moderation: Anna Lena Klatt M. A. 

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