Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects currently approximately 8 million people in Germany. The risk of such patients for the diabetic foot syndrome is very high and common. Major problems are chronic wounds with possible complications and threats of transient bacteremia and sepsis. We investigated the microbiome of these wounds by using molecular methods and culture. The predominant species identified was Staphylococcus aureus. The virulence of S. aureus and other isolates was determined in the Galleria mellonella wax moth infection model. The whole genomes of 10 S. aureus isolates representing different levels of virulence were sequenced with next-generation sequencing technologies.
Professor Dr. Eugen Domann studied biology (microbiology, biotechnology, zoology, physics) in Würzburg. Since 2001 he is the departmental head of „Molecular Diagnostics“ in Gießen and since 2006 he is an extraordinary professor for microbiology. The research focus of Eugen Domann is microbiota, probiotica and polymicrobial infections; molecular diagnostics of microorganisms; genome analysis of bacteria; virulence factors and bacteria-host-interactions.
Moderation: Professor Dr. Katharina Riedel
Microbiomic analysis of chronic wounds
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