Poetry Reading

Öffentliche Lesung

Boris Chersonskij is a Russian-speaking poet from Ukraine, born in Chernivtsi in 1950. After finishing his studies he worked as a psychiatrist in the Odessa area.
From 1996 on he taught psychology at Odessa National University. Before and during the time of Perestrojka he started working as a samizdat author, publishing his works abroad and at a local press in Odessa. Later on, his books were also officially published, e.g. in Moscow. His poetry has been translated into Ukrainian, Georgian, Bulgarian, English, Finnish, Italian, Dutch and German. One of his latest works „Missa in tempore belli. Месса во времена войны“ covers his impressions on the revolutionary events connected with Majdan. He also comments continuously on the complex situation and ongoing war in eastern Ukraine with i.a. poems, articles and statements on the Internet.
Chersonskij will read his poetry in Russian. He will be simultanously interpreted in English or German.
Moderation: Dr. Roman Dubasevych

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