Rewriting Old Narratives for a New Swedish Power: Topographical History in the Baltic Sea Region, 1550-1700

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag

For early modern historians, topography and geography were integral to the creation of narratives about the past. They became even more essential when few other historical sources were available, as was the case in large parts of the Baltic Sea region. When Sweden became a major power in the seventeenth century, there was an accompanying revision of the kingdom’s history to suit its new status. This largely imagined history was written in part through a creative reading of the few textual sources and a careful examination of the land and its features, both natural and man-made, which complemented one another in a revisionist history of the kingdom.

Kristoffer Neville is Chair at the Department of Art History, University of California, Riverside. He holds a Ph. D. from Princeton University (2007) and has been, among others, visiting professor at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. His work focuses on early modern culture in northern Europe, and particularly on the integration into a more coherent and synthetic art history of regions and traditions that is often being seen as distinct. His latest book “The Art and Culture of Scandinavian Central Europe, 1550-1720“ (Penn State UP, 2019) investigates the cultural history of the courts in Copenhagen and Stockholm within northern Europe. He is currently working on a new project on topography as a basis for historiography, focusing on its significance for the formation of architectural history. In the summer term of 2022, he holds the Mercator Fellowship awarded by the IRTG “Baltic Peripeties“ at the University of Greifswald.

Moderation: Professor Dr. Eckhard Schumacher


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