Walsh in Europe and beyond: dissemination and reception of English music prints in the 18th century

Internationale Fachtagung

Seit der kulturgeschichtlichen Ausrichtung der Musikgeschichtsschreibung zur Frühen Neuzeit und ihrer Akzente auf musikalischen Transfers, Verbreitungs- und Rezeptionsprozessen von Musik werden musikalische Manuskripte und Drucke aus dem 18. Jahrhundert nicht mehr vornehmlich als philologische Quellen für die Rekonstruktion historischer Notentexte im Fokus der Forschung genutzt, sondern als integrale Bestandteile musikalischer Aufführungen, musikgebundener Soziabilitäten sowie musikhistorischer Austausch- und Rezeptionsformen. Dies ist auch in Bezug auf den Londoner Verleger John Walsh und John Walsh Sohn der Fall, die zwischen 1694 und 1766 Tänze, Instrumentalstücke, Arienauskoppelungen aus Opern und komplette Arienkorpora einzelner Opern oder Oratorien druckten und vertrieben. 
Die Tagung erweitert die bisher vornehmlich lokalgeschichtlich-britische Erforschung der Drucke um ihre Transferwege und Nutzungen zwischen England und dem Kontinent. Einzelfälle legen nahe, dass die Walsh’schen Drucke in Paris vertrieben wurden, Johann Mattheson in Hamburg bekannt waren, von Johann Friedrich Agricola in Berlin benutzt wurden, sich in dänischen Musiksammlungen befanden, von Operntruppen nördlich der Alpen als Materialsammlung verwendet wurden und auf verschiedenen Wegen in die heutigen USA kamen. Über eine systematische Untersuchung von Notenbeständen, ihrer Provenienz und ihren Nutzungsspuren sollen europaweite und globale Vertriebswege, Nutzerschichten und auch ästhetische Funktionen von Sheet Music des 18. Jahrhunderts eruiert werden.

Since the cultural-historical orientation of music historiography on the early modern period, musical manuscripts and prints from the 18th century have been increasingly regarded as integral components of musical performances, music-bound sociabilities as well as music-historical forms of exchange and reception. This is also the case with regard to the London publisher John Walsh and John Walsh son, who printed and distributed dances, instrumental pieces, selected arias and entire aria corpuses from operas or oratorios between 1694 and 1766.
The conference will extend the research on these prints which, so far, has been mainly local-British, to their transfer routes and uses between England and the continent. Individual cases suggest that Walsh‘s prints were distributed in Paris, were known to Johann Mattheson in Hamburg, were used by Johann Friedrich Agricola in Berlin, were in Danish music collections, were exploited by opera troupes north of the Alps as a collection of material, and came to what is now the USA via various routes. Through a systematic investigation of European and International sheet music collections, their provenance and their traces of use, the aim of the conference is to uncover European-wide and global distribution channels, user groups and also aesthetic functions of 18th century sheet music.

Speaker: Maria João Albuquerque (Lisbon) Maren Bagge (Hanover) Lars Berglund (Uppsala) Donald Burrows (Milton Keynes) Carrie Churnside (Birmingham) Martin Eybl (Vienna) Giulia Giovani (Siena) Laurent Guillo (Versailles) Konstantin Hirschmann (Vienna) Andrea Horz (Vienna) Berta Joncus (London) Martin Loeser (Greifswald) Miguel Ángel Marín López (La Rioja) Aneta Markuszewska (Warsaw) Estelle Murphy (Maynooth) Berthold Over (Greifswald / Magdeburg) Samantha Owens (Wellington) Emilia Pelliccia (Vienna) Martin Perkins (Birmingham) Rudolf Rasch (Utrecht) Maximilian Rosenthal (Leipzig) Emma Sohlgren (Uppsala) Andreas Waczkat (Göttingen) Gesa zur Nieden (Greifswald)

ROUND TABLE & CONCERT: Sheet music between the 18th and 19th centuries
26 October 2022 · 18.30h · University of Greifswald · Aula · Domstraße 11
Klaus Holsten (flute) · Gertrud Ohse (cello) · Frank Dittmer (harpsichord): 
Excerpts from the Walsh repertoire


Scientific Chairs Professor Dr. Gesa zur Nieden · Dr. Berthold Over (both Greifswald)
Venues 25-26 October 2022 Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald · Martin-Luther-Straße 14 · 17489 Greifswald
27 October 2022 University of Greifswald · Conference Room · Domstraße 11 · 17489 Greifswald                
Information Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald · 17487 Greifswald
Conference Office · Tobias Surborg M. A.
Phone +49 3834 420-5013
Fax +49 3834 420-5005


Tuesday, 25th October 2022
Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study, Lecture Hall (Martin-Luther-Straße 14)

5.45 pm – 6.00 pm Welcome address

  • Theresa Heyd (Dean of the Philosophical Faculty)
  • Matthias Schneider (Head of the Department of Church Music and Musicology)
  • Christian Suhm (Academic Coordinator of the Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study)

6.00 pm – 6.30 pm Introduction 
Gesa zur Nieden, Berthold Over (both Greifswald)

6.30 pm – 7.30 pm Public Key Note
Cultural Transfer in Music in the Age of Enlightenment: Methodology and Research Questions 
Martin Eybl (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Presentation: Gesa zur Nieden, Berthold Over (both Greifswald)

Wednesday, 26th October 2022
Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study, Conference Hall (Martin-Luther-Straße 14)

England / Ireland I
Chair: Aneta Markuszewska (University of Warsaw)
9.15 am – 10.00 am The Music Editions of John Walsh Junior and His Successors: Working Practices, Publishing Strategies and Reception
Donald Burrows (Open University Milton Keynes)

10.00 am – 10.30 am ‘No Country shall outdo us in either Perfection or Price’: John Walsh and Estienne Roger
Berta Joncus (Goldsmiths College, University of London)

10.30 am – 11.00 am Coffee Break

England / Ireland II
Chair: Martin Loeser (University of Greifswald)
11.00 am – 11.30 am (online) Walsh’s Publications by Subscription
Martin Perkins (Royal Conservatoire Birmingham)

11.30 am – 12.00 am Walsh and the Dublin Musical Trade
Estelle Murphy (Maynooth University)

12.00 am – 12.30 pm
Where Did John Walsh’s Editions of Works by Francesco Geminiani Go?
Rudolf Rasch (Utrecht University)

12.30 pm – 2.00 pm Lunch Break

Holy Roman Empire I
Chair: Andrea Horz (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
2.00 pm – 2.30 pm ‘As it was collect’d by…’: The Walsh Prints of the Hoboken-Sammlung in Vienna
Emilia Pelliccia (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
Konstantin Hirschmann (University of Vienna)

2.30 pm – 3.00 pm Walsh Prints in Munich: The Collection of Anton Friedrich Justus Thibaut
Berthold Over (University of Greifswald)

3.00 pm – 3.30 pm (online) A Most Plenty of Books: Walsh Prints in Gottfried Jacob Jänisch’s Hamburg Private Library 
Andreas Waczkat (University of Göttingen)

3.30 pm – 4.00 pm Coffee Break

Holy Roman Empire II
Chair: Martin Eybl (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
4.00 pm – 4.30 pm Chrysander and Beyond: Provenance and Use of Walsh Prints in Hamburg 
Martin Loeser (University of Greifswald)

4.30 pm – 5.00 pm The Reception of Walsh Prints and Favourite Airs in the Dynasty of the Prussian Royal Family and Its Networks
Gesa zur Nieden (University of Greifswald)

University of Greifswald, Aula (Domstraße 11)
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm Round Table and Concert 
Sheet music between the 18th and 19th centuries
Andrea Horz (Vienna), Maren Bagge (Hanover) and Maximilian Rosenthal (Leipzig)
Excerpts from the Walsh Repertoire
Klaus Holsten (flute), Gertrud Ohse (cello) and Frank Dittmer (harpsichord) 
Presentation: Gesa zur Nieden, Berthold Over (both Greifswald)

Thursday, 27th October 2022
University of Greifswald, Conference Room (Domstraße 11)

Chair: Berta Joncus (Goldsmith College, University of London)
9.00 am – 9.30 am (online) Apollo’s Feast and ‘a Pewter Mug’: John Walsh Prints in New Zealand and Australia
Samantha Owens (Victoria University of Wellington) 

Western and Southern Europe I
9.30 am – 10.00 am The Dissemination of Walsh Prints in France
Laurent Guillo (Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles)

10.00 am – 10.30 am Mapping John Walsh’s Editions in Italy: An Overview
Giulia Giovani (University of Siena)

10.30 am – 11.00 am Coffee Break

Western and Southern Europe II
Chair: Emilia Pelliccia (University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna)
11.00 am – 11.30 am The Dissemination of John Walsh’s Prints on the Iberian Peninsula
Maria João Albuquerque (Universidade Nova, Lisbon)/Miguel Ángel Marín López (Universidad de La Rioja)

Northern and Eastern Europe
11.30 am – 12.00 am John Walsh Publications in Swedish Libraries: Provenance, Possible Uses and Examples of Manuscript Dissemination
Lars Berglund/Emma Sohlgren (University of Uppsala)

12.00 am – 12.30 pm Walsh’s Roads to Poland: English Publications in Polish Collections
Aneta Markuszewska (University of Warsaw)

12.30 pm – 2.00 pm Final Discussion & Lunch

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