Aktuelle Tagungsprojekte

Ukraine and the World: Paradise(s) Lost?

Fokus: GESELLSCHAFT,Sommerschule

The initial triumph of Ukrainian society‘s resilience against Russian aggression often overshadows the growing sense of nostalgia and mourning. Deep sorrow over the losses and destruction intertwines with an awareness of irreversible changes and even a yearning for past epochs. Despite hopes for rebirth and leadership, Ukraine now appears more wounded and vulnerable than ever in its history. Ukrainicum 2025 aims to explore these contradictions: What does the longing for the past reveal about the cultural and political situation in Ukraine and globally? Are we witnessing the final days of the world as we knew it, heading into a new age where the past may appear as a lost paradise? Finally, can this awareness serve as our Ariadne‘s thread, leading us out of the labyrinth of confrontation and “my nation first” mentality?

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